Release Testing Strategy Brainstorm

Release Testing Strategy Brainstorm

Let's analyze the current community release testing strategy and decide whether, based on both product and technical requirements, it warrants improvement. If so, how can we assist the community in doing so? And, in particular, what can we do to:

  • Help guarantee that every feature in each release is as well-tested as possible, in such a way to minimize the introduction of last-minute bugs;

  • Help the Product Working Group communicate with whoever is doing the testing, so that the latter effort can be factored into the plan for upcoming releases.

And finally:

  • How much of the testing should be delegated to the development teams? To the reviewers? To a dedicated testing team?

General testing categories

  • Feature evaluation/user acceptance testing

  • Feature validation

  • Testing at scale

    • Edge cases

    • Performance

Part 0. Overview of current edx.org testing

  • Feature shipped but off by default

  • “Real world” beta testing

    • Via course waffle flags

    • Subset of users that are beta testers

    • Uses actual courses, with real users

  • Multi-stage roll-out of new features (for bigger features, usually)

    • Subset of orgs/courses

    • Allowlist/denylist for defaulting it to on

    • Extreme Example: Learning MFE (6 months - 1 year: an extreme case)

  • End-to-end testing

    • Cypress

  • Reverting commits

    • Because they’re running on master and have control of it

  • Monitoring + Continuous Delivery

    • Detecting new errors against specific release versions (down to specific PRs)

  • No specific philosophy/industry pattern adopted

  • Coursegraph:

    • Graph database where modulestore data is dumped

    • Page of canned queries

    • Example: “How many people use an LTI tool with this exact URL?”

    • Evaluate the priority/impact of features/bugs

    • Possible to replicate variety of content

  • Bug reporting pipeline (CRs)

Part I.  Overview of the current community testing strategy

Links to existing documentation:

Part II. What should probably continue for Redwood?

List the things that have worked well so far, and likely shouldn’t be messed with.

  • BTR should continue to function as gatekeepers for a release

Part III. What should we change for Redwood?

  1. Product should take ownership of a “master” test spreadsheet

    • The master version should be ready by the cutoff date

    • The test manager still instantiates the release-specific version of the spreadsheet

  2. Cut the official testing period in half

    1. Pros: more features land in Redwood

      1. “If the test cycle was smaller, we’d increase the chance of features getting into each release”

    2. We (Axim) know BTR has taken the brunt of it, and are willing to help find resources to get testing done faster (more automation, more documentation, etc)

  3. Do more point releases

    1. On a cadence, or at every (important) backport?

  4. Codify the process on docs.openedx.org

    1. What the test manager needs to do: write this doc proactively (this Friday)

  5. Move from spreadsheet to Github issues?

    • One issue for each test case

      • Tracks the whole lifecycle of the issue

    • Script to convert the product-owned master spreadsheet to issues

      • Happens at every release

      • Smart enough to create new issues if new rows are added

  6. Process suggestions

    1. Critical BTR roles should probably rotate mandatorily every two terms

    2. Critical roles should probably have a primary and secondary

  7. Make the test plan/state more visible/discoverable

    • A “folder” pinned to the Slack channel would be great

  8. Milestones (with dates) should be set