2024-03-18 Educators WG: ZHAW's Course Design Tool for Open edX

2024-03-18 Educators WG: ZHAW's Course Design Tool for Open edX


Video: GMT20240404-145753_Recording_3840x2160.mp4

Transcript: GMT20240404-145753_Recording.transcript.vtt


Monday, March 18, 2024

11am EDT | 3pm UTC

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Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZAqdeqhqj4sEtRVOcJrn-q2Qfte-sEozg_b


11:00am - 11:30am EDT: Demonstration of Course Design Tool

11:30am - 11:45am EDT: Q&A

11:45am - 12:00pm EDT: Open Agenda


00:05 - 01:37 Welcome and Introduction

Dr. Claude Muller (Education Designer) and Dr. Jennifer Erliman (Software Engineer) from the Zurich University of Applied Sciences to discuss a course design tool that is free and has no ads.

05:25 - 14:22 Presentation: myScripting

  1. Teaching as a Design Process

  2. Scripting Workshop as part od MOOC-Production

  3. Analog Scripting Workshop

  4. Advantages of Digital Instructional Design Assistant

14:24 - 27:48 Demonstration: myScripting

28:12 - 00:00 Q&A

  1. Do you plan to have this feature integrated in open edX? - Omar Al-Itawi

    1. It’s possible in the future, same as with the other platforms. Until now, we are developing the tool independently.

    2. In the last 4 years the focus was on developing the tool and not integrating the tool into other systems, but that's a possible way in the future.

  2. How long can we access it? - Sergiy Movchan

    1. No limits.

  3. Is it hosted only in your campus platform, or it could be an open source in the future, so each university could cost it for itself? - Sergiy Movchan

    1. Yes, it is hosted on a university server, and we do not intend to publish it as open source. It would be possible but it would be difficult for the updates, because we just noticed that when Moodle or edX change, something has an update, we have to update the software as well, and I think it might be easier to have one instance.

  4. How do the phases and topics correlate sections, subsections, units, and so on, are those sequential, or you should obliged to have specific phases in each topic? What's the main idea behind that matrix? - Sergiy Movchan

    1. You can design the time phase, and the content structure, and you can use the template for the design and board. However you want to because we also realize that some lectures use this design board completely differently than we intended so they don't have a content structure.

    2. Our main goal is to support a creative process of designing learning environments.

  5. How can the tool work in an off-premise situation? - Michael Williams

    1. You can specify your activity. However you want.

  6. How is the process of changing and revision od designs with myScipting? - John Swope

    1. If you make changes in the in design you must do the change again in myScripting, and this transmission is not easy, so it's better to work as long as possible with myScripting, and then export it. I would say myScripting is useful if you have to do it on scratch and afterward, you do revision.

  7. Do you have writing assessments like multiple choice questions, like you could write assessments in myScripting? When you imported the course into edX there were multiple choice questions that were already built, as if you had written them in. - John Swope

    1. Yes. There are activities for assessment and you can choose its type. For example, if it's a formative assessment or summative assessment.

    2. There is a default behavior of edX when I import this activity type.

  8. So you can do the majority of the things in myScripting, and then export it to Moodle or edX, open edX, or whatever? - John Swope

    1. Yes. Even if you choose, Edx as a target platform and change it later to Moodle the export-import would work because we have a matching, and activity, matching.

    2. It also has a collaborative function.

  9. Can you all see what everybody has put into myScripting and has anyone raised IP concerns about that fact? - Elizabeth Gordon

    1. Only Jennifer has access for technical reasons. Other people don't have access to any script.

  10. Is there an instructional video on the ins and outs? - Michael Williams

    1. Unfortunately, not yet but, it will be coming as soon as the complete functionality is programmed.

    2. A promotional video will be posted on the website.