March 12, 2024 - Meeting notes

March 12, 2024 - Meeting notes








Follow up on Product Review discussion (20 mins)


New space on the Roadmap: Open edX Roadmap • openedx

-Is the roadmap the right place?

-7 PRs that need product review, do they need proposals?

-10 new proposals - prioritize?

Questions with Michelle and Tim

Proposal for Libraries Overhaul (20 mins)


Libraries Relaunch Proposal: For Product Review

 Current PRs that need proposals

-these go into blocked until we get a proposal

-new label - change from “need more product info” to “needs proposal”

Triaging needs:

-Need to know that a PR needs product review
-Where are they in the product review process? Labels could be a solution


Questions for OSPR triage

(@Tim Krones and @Michelle Philbrick):

  • Who will move completed product tickets to the contributions board?

    • Should be product person who is handling the PR

    • Relevant PRs will also need to be connected to roadmap tickets

    • Label should be added that says product review is complete

  • Will product managers assign themselves so we know who to reach out to for questions?

  • Is there someone from Product scanning the Contributions board for anything that comes in now and going forward that slips through the cracks of the new process?

  • For OSPRs that retroactively got labeled for Product review on the Contributions board, do we need updated labels to reflect their status? (e.g. needs product review, in product review, product review complete)?

    • It’s also helpful to the Eng reviewers to know when product review is complete


Add to documetnation

-process of assigning coordinatos and moving to different statuses

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