2024-04-11 Meeting notes


Apr 11, 2024


  • @Feanil Patel

  • @Kyle McCormick


Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Begin Recording w/Transcripts


edx-platform Python Upgrade


  • going pretty well

  • lots of outstanding library updates

  • feanil turned on quality and asset checks

    • kyle will re-merge sass Pr soon to fix asset checks

  • we should be good to ship this 2 weeks from now


Python upgrade for other IDAs


  • credentials, course discovery, and xqueue have PRs open for upgrades

  • ecommerce, ecommerce-worker, license manager, enterprise-catalog, enterprise-access, enterprise-subsidy do not have PRs open. they are not being prioritized right now.

    • if there are volunteers to upgrade these repos, they are more than welcome to

    • shouldn’t be too hard to upgrade these

    • would be good if 2U teams could take this one

      • Kyle will send an FYI over to these teams

Node 18 Upgrade


  • Went out and got reverted because we found issues after deployment.

    • We could test edx-platform frontends

    • Assets test only tests the dev webpack config due to how convoluted paver is

    • none of the unit tests picked up the issue that the upgrade caused on edx-stage

    • we need an integrated test of the frontends? shouldn’t be too hard.

  • Scss PR

    • Got reverted because we didn’t have testing of themes

    • We’ll be adding some more of this as that PR goes back out.

  • we will coordinate this with the legacy->MFE conversion process so that we’re not spending too much time testing things that would be easier just to remove

  • Node 20 is back-burnered until after Redwood cut, needed for Sumac

    • We should learn from the Node 18 upgrade before jumping in

      • Consolidate notes on cross-repo upgrades

      • Standard template issues (example)

    • Should be easier than Node 18

    • Once we get past redwood we will have plenty of time to do everything

Outstanding PRs


edx-platform Release Pipeline

  • we will check with 2U on what we should avoid merging rigtht now

  • we can ask them to pause the deployment pipeline instead of pausing merges

    • or use their edx-platform security fork

    • or fork

  • it is good to know what breaks at scale and to get it off master

  • modern site deployment practices vs. open source project best practices – there is a difference in prevailing strategies here

    • would be good to have confidence in our code that doesn’t require shipping it to prod. more tests, different kinds of test

    • but this is expensive to set up and run, so it’s not going to be overnight

  • status quo is good for redwood, but this is an area to look hard at between now and sumac

  • take a look at automated tooling that arbi-bom is using-- more codemods, more automation


mongo upgrade

@Maria Grimaldi

backports-zoneinfo package

@Maria Grimaldi

Review edx-platform PRs and tag CCs where it makes sense



Related: Paver DEPRs


Node 20


  • Let’s retro the Node 18 upgrade on edx-platform before we get started on this again.

Redwood Blockers Wiki Page

@Adolfo Brandes

If you have anything that is a Redwood cut blocker:


@Chintan Joshi

on leave for the next three weeks

have a great vacation!



  • elasticsearch → meilisearch ?

    • meilisearch live for one feature for redwood (default off)

    • this will help us make the decision between redwood and sumac: Do we go forward with this replacement?

OSPR process updates

@Tim Krones @Michelle Philbrick

  • Tim is working on a new welcome message for PRs, including the names of maintainers

  • Someone else from opencraft will implement it

  • Adolfo is working on a separate PR to improve maintainer how-tos


 Action items

@Kyle McCormick send an FYI about IDAs that we will aren’t prioritizing for python 3.12
@Kyle McCormick @Feanil Patel talk with 2U to make sure they coordinate 3.8->3.11 upgrades in their prod so that we can drop 3.8 support shortly after redwood
