2024-06-27 Meeting notes


Jun 27, 2024


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







edx-platform Maintenance Models

@Feanil Patel

  • I’ve started a document, please add more ideas to it.

Swapping Maintenance Meetings

@Feanil Patel

  • Agreed to swapping. edx-platform meeting will be after the full maintenance WG meeting.




Teams in Github as a communication form


  • There is not an escalation path for when a team is not being responsive.

    • One solution: Escalate to the maintenance WG

    • Previous Solution: Escalate to specific 2U contact points for PRs stuck on specific companies.

    • Should teams that are maintainers be public to easily find specific people.

    • For now, use the #wg-maintenance channel to escalate any PRs that are blocked on repos that have maintainers.

  • Teams are not always properly updated in Backstage, Backstage is out-of-date compared to github.

Next 2 Meetings

@Feanil Patel

  • Feanil and Kyle are both going to be at the Open edX conference and then on PTO. We can cancel the meetings or someone else can run them?

    • We’ll re-convene on July 18th

    • No meetings the next two weeks.

frontend-app-learning Hand-off

@Feanil Patel

frontend-app-ecommerce maintenance?

@Adolfo Brandes

Repo ownership clarification

@Robert Raposa

  • Spreadsheet for finding maintainers

  • Can we resolve repos with interest and no catalog?

    • Note: Cookiecutters may incorrectly have 2U interest marked in the spreadsheet. There may be others, if there is no catalog file.

Adding Catalogs for things that don’t have owners


From @Chintan Joshi I am creating catalog files for such repos which have no interest and no info etc I've finished PR for priority 1 on going work for priority 2 and should be done by Monday... and priority 3-4 I'll pickup next week

 Action items@

@Jeremy Ristau to follow up with 2U>Aurora and 2U>Purchase squads to document the maintainership transfer.
@Robert Raposa Follow up with in-progress repo items in the spreadsheet and ensure teams add a catalog file or give up maintainership by end of July.


  1. All teams that are maintainers should be public.