Summit Agenda

All individuals who submitted proposals will have the opportunity to present them at the Summit to Enhance the Core Contributor Experience. Each proposal should address one or more of the key challenges outlined in the call for proposals document. This document provides details on how the 2 hour session will be organized.

Summit Details

Ground Rules for Proposal Presentations

1. Time Management

  • Strict Timing: Each presenter is allotted a maximum of 4 minutes to deliver their presentation.

  • Preparation for Time: Presenters should rehearse their talks to ensure clarity and conciseness, allowing time for potential questions once all presenters have presented.

2. Focus on Key Points

  • Clear Objective: Presenters should hone in on the core problem they are addressing, articulating it clearly at the start.

  • Highlight Solutions: After outlining the problem, quickly transition to the proposed solution, emphasizing key benefits.

3. Constructive Feedback

  • Designated Discussion Period: Questions will be entertained only during the specific discussion time after all the presentations have been presented.

  • Guidelines for Feedback: When providing feedback, aim for constructive criticism that offers actionable suggestions for improvement rather than personal opinions.

  • Respectful Discourse: Maintain a professional tone during discussions, and refrain from interrupting others. Aim for an inclusive atmosphere where everyone feels valued.

Summit Agenda

Agenda Item


Agenda Item


Welcome @Cassie Zamparini

  • Overview of the summit objectives and structure

13:00 - 13:10 UTC

  • 10 minutes

Solution Presentations

  1. Open edX Handbook by @Cassie Zamparini

  2. Empower CC Community to Improve Onboarding Course by @Sarina Canelake

  3. Simplify Listaflow to Improve Engagement by @Feanil Patel

  4. Enhancing Communication and Reporting Consistency in Open edX through Centralized Newsletter Sharing by @Santiago Suarez

  5. Evaluate the Communication Tools We Use and How We Use Them by @Ali Hugo

  6. Create a Shortlist of Communication Tools, Prioritizing Open Source Options by @Ali Hugo

  7. Improving OSPR Management by@Tim Krones and @Kshitij Sobti

  8. Single Responsible Person Principle (for bugs & PRs) by @Braden MacDonald

  9. Open edX Partners As Maintainers by @Xavier Antoviaque

  10. Continuing to Iterate After The Summit: A Governance Working Group by @Xavier Antoviaque

  11. Use Kanban board for the working workflow by @Christofer Chavez

  12. Core Contributor Metrics with by @Jill Vogel

  13. Improve review process by using CODEOWNERS by @Navin Karkera

  14. Join working groups as part of on-boarding by @Navin Karkera

  15. Implementing OKRs to Enhance Core Contributor Collaboration by @Jorge Londoño

13:10 - 14:25 UTC

  • 4 minutes each

  • 1 hour 15 minutes



  • Open the floor for community comments on all proposals.

14:25 - 14:55 UTC

  • 30 minutes

Thank You and Next Steps @Cassie Zamparini

  • Reminder about the video posting of the presentations.

  • Outline the timeline for asynchronous review guidelines.

    • Once the summit concludes, we will post the video of the presentations.

    • The community will have two weeks to provide asynchronous comments.

    • Afterward, we will proceed with the voting process as follows:

      1. Core Contributors will vote Yes or No on each proposal.

      2. A proposal passes if it receives 50% or more Yes votes.

      3. Broader topics may be reviewed by the TOC (Technical Oversight Committee).

14:55 - 15:00 UTC

  • 5 minutes

Summit Video

Here’s a recording of the summited hosted on the 21st October 2024.