2024-10-31 Meeting notes

2024-10-31 Meeting notes

All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings


Oct 31, 2024


  • @Feanil Patel

Previous TODOs

 Discussion topics







Dropping Node 18


  • We’ll be dropping Node 18 support on master this week now that Sumac has been cut.

edx-platform Quality PR Review

Where should robots.txt live


  • Authors can about the licences of their content, should that be reflected in a robots.txt somewhere to prevent crawling of private content?

  • Should there be a standard robots.txt file in MFEs?

    • Different people deploy MFEs differently so this should be a concern of the deployment methodology(tutor, ansible, etc).

Recording and Transcript

Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hCBtnm-Dowg7VzOJAbvq2DWLogWW-ntH/view?usp=sharing

Maintenance Working Group Meeting – 2024/10/31 09:02 EDT – Transcript


Adolfo Brandes, Brian Smith, Feanil Patel, Jeremy Ristau, Kyle McCormick, Michelle Philbrick


Feanil Patel: You might not have any topics for today. I can't hear you.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Kyle McCormick: Good morning.

Adolfo Brandes: How about now?

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I upgraded to Ubuntu 24 and of course, everything's breaking.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I haven't done that yet. It brought me again today. Usually do my personal laptop first, so I can figure out what all the things are. Before I do my work one.

Adolfo Brandes: Exactly.

Michelle Philbrick: Neil House Video.

Feanil Patel: She's doing better but not improving super quickly at this point yesterday.

Michelle Philbrick: No.

Feanil Patel: She seemed like she was doing really good but then this morning she was pretty dopey again. but,…

Michelle Philbrick: That sucks. I'm sorry.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think I'm getting sick too. So yeah,…

Michelle Philbrick: No.

Feanil Patel: you guys aren't gonna get a lot out of me.

Feanil Patel: But I think Roberts out of office, and Jeremy didn't have any topics.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, I don't have any topics.

Feanil Patel: I think everybody is just like, we're in the Post cut quiet period.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah. Yeah. Where was testing started, but the bugs. Haven't surfaced yet.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, Once the bugs surface and we have to find maintenance will We'll be back in action.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Brian Smith: I was hoping to bring up the dropping node 18 PRS that are still open that.

Adolfo Brandes: 

Brian Smith: We can start merging that.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Brian Smith: We've got the branches Bilal just'd me this morning and was asking for you to start doing that. I already put a message out in both the CC front end apps and then posted into working group front end. I've gotten a thank you on a thumbs up.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Brian Smith: So basically nobody is said,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Brian Smith: Don't do it. So I'm thinking I can say, Hey, I'm doing it today.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that sounds good.

Brian Smith: Okay, cool. Then I will move forward with that.

Feanil Patel: Thank you. Yeah, I think. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Thank you, Brian.

Brian Smith: I figured two days was enough for people to communicate it out far enough to see if that's gonna be a problem.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Brian Smith: But honestly nothing's gonna break immediately, it's something where there's a chance that something will break on note 18 because we're no longer testing for it, but merging the don't test. Note 18 anymore, PRS isn't in and…

Feanil Patel: Right. Yeah.

Brian Smith: of itself a breaking change. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah I would say the other place to copy or forward. The announcement is WG maintenance because there are people tracking there that might not be in the other places.

Brian Smith: Okay, cool. I will put that out and…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Brian Smith: then say that I'll do it this afternoon if there are no objections. So Okay,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's good.

Brian Smith: That sounds like a plan.

Feanil Patel: Better notes as well here.

Feanil Patel: And this is because to you is already migrated a lot of their stuff to 20 and that's why they're okay with it as well. Yeah.

Brian Smith: Yeah for my understanding to you wants to get these merged so yeah you is not holding us back here to you is actually making a lot of the prs so yeah.

Feanil Patel: Awesome. Yeah, let's get it landed then.

Brian Smith: Good deal.

Feanil Patel: He's gonna be having anything else.

Kyle McCormick: I'm looking for a review on the ADI, put in the BG Maintenance channel. That's all.

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: Some will be giving an interview so if it's just him giving review, that's cool. But I figure having one other set of eyes on it could be a good sanity, check.

Jeremy Ristau: Never random questions. If people have a second. Is anyone opposed to adding some robots.txt files to some front ends?

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Jeremy Ristau: That We believe should not be indexed. the learning mfe and the authoring mfe. And


Kyle McCormick: I would push back against robots,…

Adolfo Brandes: .

Kyle McCormick: that Blanket on a Learning NFC, I think anonymous course. Content could be really cool to have indexed although I totally see the value and not having Non-public course, content index. I'm not sure how to instrument.

Adolfo Brandes: Good point.

Feanil Patel: yeah, I think that it does feel like it's a business specific choice and some people might want their content next

Adolfo Brandes: there might be a way to as Kyle said, Instrument is so Either it's optional or specific for public courses somehow. But yeah,…

Feanil Patel: Right.

Adolfo Brandes: I'm not sure how we do that.

Feanil Patel: And maybe a thing where we need to add capability to sort of load in a Stop text from a remote URL as a part of the build or something.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Jeremy Ristau: So that's for learn any objection for authoring.

Feanil Patel: and then,

Adolfo Brandes: yeah, offering there's less of a use it's like whatever want that? Yeah.

Feanil Patel: yeah, business specifically. Yeah, I think it's reasonable for offering. Right.

Jeremy Ristau: And this would just be what we'll just put up PRS and let the maintenance review them or

Feanil Patel: I'm the question going through my head Is this big enough that it requires a product review? because that would slow this down a lot and I don't necessarily want that if it's up necessary but also

Feanil Patel: It's a behavior change.

Jeremy Ristau: Is that a question for Jenna?

Feanil Patel: I think that's a question for Jenna.

Jeremy Ristau: and the question is, just if we need to propose them or if we need to propose the learning one specifically, I'll just

Feanil Patel: I think the learning one. Needs to be sufficiently configurable that people can change it because I can already think of use cases where people might not want that for the authoring one. I think that's the one where it's like, doing is this small enough that we can. Do this or do you need it to be reviewed? Or what? that's a question for Jenna.

Feanil Patel: but,

Feanil Patel: Because Jeremy, the implementation was just like that the robots that text would be to not index any authoring. Views. At all.

Jeremy Ristau: Essentially we have the same thing for the learner dashboard and stuff like that. It's just there are some mfes that don't have a robot's text file at all. and…

Feanil Patel: Got it.

Jeremy Ristau: I've got a request coming around some crawlers have no depth limits and they're just going like Haywire all over these subdomains and Courses and…

Feanil Patel: Got it.

Jeremy Ristau: learning are the ones that came up.

Feanil Patel: a

Jeremy Ristau: But also authoring. So just thought I would

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think on the learning side that feels like a thing that definitely needs to go through product review because either we have a standard one that is default and overridable or we have a way for people to live in remotely.

Feanil Patel: it's also I think the other thing that's weird about it is that It makes a lot of sense when each mfe is on its own domain, which is not the standard way that it's deployed via tutor. And so,

Feanil Patel: From that perspective on the tutor side, it's a concern of a different part of the system, if that makes sense. it's a tutor Mfd concern. Is there a robots.text in tutorial? Might be Adolfo that it's generated.

Adolfo Brandes: Not that.

Adolfo Brandes: I'm aware of. No, let me check.

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Feanil Patel: so, it feels like a implementation specific to specific deployment strategy, which also makes me feel like it shouldn't be in there but that's not a huge enough concern that I'm opposed to it in the moment for practicality reasons.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah, tutor has nothing about robots. The text as far as I can find,

Feanil Patel: Okay.

Kyle McCormick: Yeah, in terms of practicalities, you might be able to instrument this entirely. to you the EDX configuration repo so I believe that's what controls. The serving of my girlfriends. It could serve a robust text off of each domain. That serves an mfe.


Feanil Patel: Yeah, I think when you upload it you can probably just also upload her about that text file from Config and do it fully outside of the mfps.

Jeremy Ristau: yeah, I think my question was more like,

Feanil Patel: Is this useful?

Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, do other people want their entire sets of content crawled if they it's called them.

Feanil Patel: Yeah, I mean I think operationally, my perspective is that this is low level enough that people can Solve it for themselves independent of our system. we don't need a future in open EDX in the overnight platform for it necessarily.

Jeremy Ristau: Okay.

Adolfo Brandes: for instance and Twitter, what you do is Entirely outside that X platform because there's no way for that Explorer to do anything about it. Just as an example,…

Feanil Patel: Right.

Adolfo Brandes: So because it's also domains you need to have a txt in Openetics whatever, And that's a caddy thing. So

Feanil Patel: Yeah. I mean to be robots that text is a business concern and probably doesn't need to be in the open source platform. In general is my gut feeling.

Feanil Patel: As it's about how business content is brawl via.

Adolfo Brandes: And it's also pretty like for tutor,…

Feanil Patel: Public Crawlers.

Adolfo Brandes: it's pretty easy. I imagine for any deployments. just put in a pool in a fire. Put it there,…

Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Shouldn't be too hard.

Feanil Patel: on the people, making the decisions about those files are going to be not necessarily the same as the people making decisions about the code.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: It said that about a lot of things that for me, it comes down to the way. That would need to instrument, this would vary, by the way, to play opennetics. So it makes sense to be solved. By the deployment method. So tutor or…

Feanil Patel: We got it. Yeah.

Adolfo Brandes: Yeah.

Kyle McCormick: by Mits last year, you

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's good.

Jeremy Ristau: just, So, Does that mean the default? Behavior would be that. Content that is controlled by license would also be freely crawled.

Jeremy Ristau: So we provide authors the ability to license their content. but we don't provide them the ability to

Jeremy Ristau: keep it from being crawled. but,

Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's a good point. That might be one of the cases where we do actually need to be able to have robots. That text. That's a different way.

Feanil Patel: because it may be that we need to generate one on the fly based on the licensing agreement that Exists for relevant content.

Jeremy Ristau: okay, I'll walk away from this conversation in the short term, we'll tackle this internally but, This is a seed that was planted that maybe will grow something and…

Feanil Patel: Yeah.

Jeremy Ristau: maybe won't grow into something.

Feanil Patel: Anything else?

Feanil Patel: In that case, I think we can call it pretty early today.

Jeremy Ristau: All right.

Feanil Patel: Jeremy, do you have anything for Alex platform specific stuff?

Michelle Philbrick: He?

Jeremy Ristau: I don't think so today. Yeah.

Feanil Patel: But yeah, in that case, I think you're done for the day. Happy Halloween.

Jeremy Ristau: Excellent. Happy Halloween everybody.

Adolfo Brandes: Happy Halloween. Thank you.

Brian Smith: Yeah, Halloween.

Meeting ended after 00:14:41 👋

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