[Discovery] New Open edX Handbook Structure
This document outlines the structure of the Open edX Handbook, based on survey feedback and existing Core Contributor information. The first phase of this initiative focuses primarily on Core Contributors, with the following objectives:
Support Core Contributor onboarding
Provide in-depth guidance on Core Contributor processes and tools
Help Core Contributors easily locate role-relevant information
Encourage effective Core Contributor participation
Reduce reliance on community members for straightforward answers
Strengthen the Core Contributor community overall
Where Will the Handbook Live?
The community intends to make https://docs.openedx.org the central source of truth for all community members. Therefore, it makes sense to host the Core Contributor information on this site.
Since the 'Handbook' content will be hosted on the Docs site, we need to find a way to integrate it seamlessly within the existing navigation:
What content needs to be integrated into the Docs?
I audited both the current Docs and Wiki content to identify Core Contributor and community-related information for inclusion on the Docs site. The Wiki will remain focused on sharing ideas, documents, and collaboration, while the Docs will house more authoritative content, such as processes and guidelines, which can be updated through a formal Github pull request.
The sections and their subsections that I recommend including in the Docs are listed below. These will be updated as needed to provide additional information or clarification. To avoid duplication, any content moved from the Wiki to the Docs will be removed from the Wiki.
How to Start Contributing Code: This is already linked to from the Docs. I think we should remove it from the Wiki and rather house it on the Docs.
Working Groups: Only move content related to guidelines, and link to the Wiki where necessary.
Events: Conference, Meetups, etc.: Only move content related to guidelines, and link to the Wiki where necessary.
Proposed Navigation changes to Docs
To begin, I propose moving the content mentioned in the section above to the 'Open Source Community' section in the Docs and updating the navigation as outlined below:
To maintain consistency, I suggest applying the Documentation Layout to both the Core Contributor and Maintainership sections. Below, I’ve outlined the proposed navigation in more detail with links to the relevant existing content:
Core Contributors:
Community Communication
Discuss this with @Ali Hugo when work is completed on this proposal
Working Groups
Introduce the Working Group concept and link to the Wiki accordingly
Technical Oversight Committee
Open edX Proposals (OEPs) ↗