2025-01-23 Meeting notes
Feanil Patel
All public Working Group meetings follow the Recording Policy for Open edX Meetings
Jan 23, 2025
@Feanil Patel
Previous TODOs
Discussion topics
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Item | Presenter | Notes |
Django Upgrade Coming Up |
2U CC Rollout |
edx-platform |
| |
edx-platform settings changes |
Maintainership and Contributorship Expectations for edx-platform |
Action items
Recording and Transcripts
Recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wJ2dCU2oXze5O15v-6dDLoK9QMkLxkz9/view?usp=sharing
Maintenance Working Group Meeting - 2025/01/23 08:58 EST - Transcript
Adolfo Brandes, Awais Qureshi, Feanil Patel, Feanil Patel's Presentation, Jeremy Ristau, Kyle McCormick, Robert Raposa, Sarina Canelake
Awais Qureshi: Hi Fen. How are you? Good.
Feanil Patel: Hey, how you doing?
Feanil Patel: Just remembered you slacked me earlier and I hadn't had a chance to respond yet.
Awais Qureshi: I have a couple of Hello
Sarina Canelake: Hello. Hey.
Sarina Canelake: Look how tiny.
Adolfo Brandes: Good morning,…
Adolfo Brandes: chunky. …
Feanil Patel: Is that the one you're keeping?
Sarina Canelake: No, this is the tiniest one. She's being adapted.
Adolfo Brandes: that's okay. it's pretty.
Feanil Patel: They're growing so fast.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, the one I'm keeping is in my lap. She likes me a lot.
Feanil Patel: Nice. my god,…
Sarina Canelake: She's balancing on a JBL speaker right now. Yeah, she's very,…
Feanil Patel: that's pretty enjoyable.
Sarina Canelake: very tiny. This is the one I'm adopting.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, nice.
Sarina Canelake: Pretty. Yeah, she's going to be gorgeous.
Feanil Patel: Share my screen. Okay, give people another couple minutes to arrive.
Feanil Patel: Hello. That sounds good.
Jeremy Ristau: It's okay.
Jeremy Ristau: I'm gonna eat breakfast for a few more minutes.
Sarina Canelake: is reasonable.
Feanil Patel: Does anybody else have any topics they want to add for conversations today?
Sarina Canelake: I don't think so.
Feanil Patel: I think we're still in a bit of a quiet period for a moment, but
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, that's nice. I added instructions in the core contributor onboarding. there's a message in the core contributor channel and thanks Jeremy for chiming in. I was on my phone in bed this morning when I answered with the link to the docs.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, of course.
Sarina Canelake: I added a link for when we're onboarding maintainers, we should give them in the link to the maintainers docs that we spend so long writing. So, I added that to our Axom checklist. But as you're nominating people in the forums, especially for people who are just getting a rights expansion to maintainership,
Sarina Canelake: we should remember to point them at the maintainers home. No, just not for you. Look at this little crime monkey. You trying to get my bagel, crime monkey?
Feanil Patel: That sounds good.
Feanil Patel: Actually, an omnivore disguised to the carnivore.
Sarina Canelake: No, for real.
Sarina Canelake: I don't know why he wants my bagel so bad.
Feanil Patel: All right.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, let's get going and people catch up, I think. I still haven't made this ticket, but Jeremy, I know that this has happened, but I wanted to leave it here so that either you could check it off or we could check it off and celebrate that like that work is getting prioritized.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Yeah. Absolutely. Yeah.
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: So, I'm excited about that. front end cleanup stuff that Kristen's doing. super awesome. I'll check this off the list.
Jeremy Ristau: And we're not, 100% ready to deprecate it at this moment. We still have new waffle flags switched on for or…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah,…
Jeremy Ristau: switched off for courses, but we're working through all that right now.
Feanil Patel: that's awesome. Yeah. No,…
Feanil Patel: it's awesome that work is getting started and we're going to get to the other side of that. if you guys need help or you run into things where Kyle or Dave's help would be necessary, please let us know, we can help them help you.
Jeremy Ristau: Yep. But I see concern about teak at all for
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that'll be And then the other thing that I have and I think the setting stuff that Kyle's assigned to here is sort of in progress. and I think we're going to sort of talk more about that during the deprecation working group meeting later today. all right. So, the next thing I had was a reminder that I think the next major thing that's coming is this Django upgrade. which there's sort of a couple of different steps and a couple of approach questions that I have around that.
Feanil Patel: we can I think there's the historical way we've done a lot of these upgrades that have been led by 2U and I think that's documented, but it's a fairly complex process that doesn't really take into account us having maintainers that are independent for a lot of so for what we did for the last Python upgrade was essentially build a generic ticket set for hey your thing has Python and needs to be able to support the new version of Python and then essentially leave as much of that to maintainers as possible and then there's an open pool for all the repos that don't have maintainers that can be taken on by either now maintainers at large which is a route that didn't exist before or other people who want to help in the
Feanil Patel: community. So, my thought was to sort of continue with that approach, but I wanted to hear other people's thinking and feedback on that. the one addition that I was thinking of making to that is having a wiki page that's linked from all of those tickets that's like, hey, if you ran into things, put down what you ran into and how you fixed it here so that we can slowly build that knowledge base of here are common problems and common solutions. that was my thought and then open feedback.
Feanil Patel: Kyle, I'm going to recap for For the Django upgrade, I'm thinking make the tickets for any repo that needs the upgrade, assign them to maintainers, link them to a wiki page that's initially empty where they can add problems they ran into and how they solved them. And that would be sort of the bulk of the work up front. And then we would have a bunch of follow-up work to make sure those things are actually moving and landing. Yeah,…
Jeremy Ristau: Will there still be a parent ticket?
Feanil Patel: I was thinking there would be a parent ticket and everything else would be a subt that so we could track it all in one place and see how we're progressing. my thought is that sort of in line with the conversations we've had so far, it would be essentially a add support for Django 52. for all of the libraries without removing support for 42. essentially this would be an expansion ticket and then there would later be a contraction ticket. but because I think we're going to need essentially all the libraries to support both then we cut over all the services then we remove support for the old thing in all the libraries.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah, if I remember correctly, I think the expansion and contraction tickets maybe got created at the same time last time or it was confusing about Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Okay. It was confusing.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. What to do?
Jeremy Ristau: And there was expand the matrix and…
Feanil Patel: Yes. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: then upgrade and then remove and Mhm.
Feanil Patel: I think last time they were all check boxes on one ticket and I think that was confusing. And one of the things that I think we should do different, and this is for the node one, this got real confusing. So I was thinking one of the things we would do is this would simply be a add support for 52, make sure your stuff works with 52 ticket.
Jeremy Ristau: Yep. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: And then later we would have a follow on maintenance ticket, which is drop support for 42, which could happen basically anytime, after the 52 support is fully on. So that's a thing where the maintenance working group can sort of check in and be like now is the time to create the contraction ticket and those two can be two separate actions and that I think will help with some of that right and…
Sarina Canelake: I think that's a lot less confusing because we had a lot of maintainers with the node upgrade who were like, I can't close out this ticket because I haven't dropped support for the previous node version and I want to close out this ticket.
Feanil Patel: it's unsatisfying as a person doing work to be I checked a check box, but it doesn't feel enough. okay.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I think that that makes sense. And then it's easier to reference the tickets in release notes or anything else we need to reference things in. Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: And I think the release notes for we added support for 52 and it is the default in Almo. is easy. And then Do we have a V tree? I think we do, but I forget the name. In the view release, we could be drop support for Django 42.
Sarina Canelake: Barwood.
Feanil Patel: Vera would. Thank If that approach works, that's pretty easy to work up. other thoughts. All right. So, the next thing I wanted to cover real quickly was the 2UCC roll out. We're going to have a lot more repos with CC's in the future.
Feanil Patel: and I want to sort of be able to engage them all. And I wanted basically maybe a refresher on the CC's kind of get engaged by our triage team as needed. and I want to sort of think through if that's continuing to work or if we need to change anything there as we have a lot more CC's for various repos. But this is mainly an inform that this is going to happen and in the next two weeks there's going to be a bit of a flood on the CC related Slack channels and whoop spaces. But hopefully in the long term this means more things are under maintenance.
Feanil Patel: So generally good news including the biggest change here is that there's now official maintainers for all the enterprise repos…
Jeremy Ristau: I'm interested to hear your perspective on how you think this expands maintenance price specifically.
Feanil Patel: which was not true for a long time. Yeah, enterprise specifically is like an area…
Jeremy Ristau: Got Yeah.
Feanil Patel: where they're officially the maintainers and so I'm excited for them to be participating more in this space. for a lot of the rest of it, the people that are there were already the maintainers. So I don't kind of perceive that as a big change,…
Jeremy Ristau: Excellent. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: but Yeah. Yeah. Just to be clear, yeah, the enterprise that's 15 repositories that now have maintainers that didn't before. So that's kind of a huge and exciting change. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: If Yes.
Jeremy Ristau: I guess to add a little bit more clarity to it, there's one 2UCC roll out that is just making the access that exists today align more with the core contributor framework and that's not touching m maintainership scope at all really. but then because of this we asked to teams hey would you like to maintain things that are not maintained?
Jeremy Ristau: and enterprise identified some. So there's also an expansion. So maybe two separate that could have happened whether we were rolling out or not. It surprised me a little bit,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, for but yeah, them stepping up to expand maintenance.
Jeremy Ristau: but it was a good surprise.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah, me too. I'll take it. and they're doing a bunch of that work up front already and are really engaged with the process. So I'm really appreciative of that. but yeah, I think this is mostly just an FYI that there's sort of two things that happens. This is not a sentence.
Feanil Patel: And I think so that's super exciting. I think it'll hopefully accelerate and simplify a lot of the coordination. we're also working with a lot of the other partner providers and some of them have been stepping up and asking about repositories that they can start to maintain. So, I'm hoping that we're getting really close to getting most of the items under maintenance. and then I kind of want to focus on which of these items we need to get rid of.
Feanil Patel: because there's a lot of duplication and repetition in the smaller repositories and there's a lot of old front-end related repositories and things like that. So there's I think by my account five to eight repositories of things that somebody is shouldn't we get rid of that but nobody's had time to investigate. So I'm hoping that we can help focus some of that energy once the sort of maintenance conversation is sort of stabilized. does anybody else have anything for general maintenance topics? otherwise I think we can end that meeting there and then talk through edex platform specifics for a bit.
Feanil Patel: I did want to talk through the settings changes stuff that went out last week and sort of talk through I know Kyle has a plan to sort of make an improved fix for that, but in case there are other questions on that front. Kle, will you drop the poll requests from that changes we made last week? the summary of the changes is that the edex platform settings files are extremely complicated. but a lot of that complication is actually redundant. We've made improvements to it and so there was a lot of sort of duplicate code. I think it was a 1200 line file and 400 of those lines were redundant. they served literally no purpose. It was just redoing a thing that we were doing before.
Feanil Patel: and so it made it hard to make other progress to actually make improvement changes because there was so much redundancy to sort of parse last week Kyle and I spent some time cleaning that up. but unfortunately we made some typos and we didn't have quite the right test coverage. So, Kyle's kind of reworking that to have a little bit more coverage so we detect things like that a little bit better. it's a tricky corner because it's at startup time that we need to detect it. and so it's a harder thing to unit test than general, but I think we have a plan.
Feanil Patel: but in any case, this is kind of the beginning of a hopefully larger sort of set of improvements to the settings files. when we first deprecated the devstack settings, I think we learn that these were a lot more complicated than we expected. and so these simplifications are I'm hoping we will be able to reduce the complexity of these files and thus make it easier to make further changes. for example, not only do we remove 400 lines of code, but there's a 100 lines of code now at the top of the production.py file that will actually get moved into common because It's just that those were defaults set in one file instead of the other.
Feanil Patel: So we'll be able to simplify further now, but those are more major refactors that they could be considered breaking changes in some ways. because the behavior of the common.py file will now change. we don't think anybody's using that file directly, but if they were, there will be changes there. So we sort of wanted to handle those separately. the endg game here is the thing that I think Kyle has highlighted previously which is that there is a testing a common.py that has the defaults for the platform and it is really easy to see what the defaults of the platform are if there are any a development.py
Feanil Patel: which is optimized for local development and will work with without tutor and which will be what is used for all of the unit testing and can sort of easily be seen as a very small delta on top of the common settings to optimize for testing. and then the expectation I think is that long-term operators slashtutor build their own custom py files off of that. to get there, there will be some breaking changes that'll happen. but those are all going to go through deers and communicated through that process. that's sort of the current plan.
Feanil Patel: Okay, cool.
Feanil Patel: Everybody's happy with that. dead.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, to add a little bit of color,…
Kyle McCormick: the end goal is that py will be the one base settings file for LMS and then another common.py for CMS and those will be production ready defaults besides secrets of course. So insert your secrets and you have a production ready settings file and that is in line with OP 45 which was approved years and years ago which we don't follow entirely but this will be I think taking one of the best parts of that and making it reality.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, or if anybody watching the video later has concerns, definitely come talk to myself and Kyle in Slack or in the discussion forums. I think there isn't a issue for this yet, is there because I feel like I guess there's the deprecation of the settings files in the first place issue.
Kyle McCormick: There is an issue for current refactoring.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. But I think we're still figuring out what the incremental steps are. So we're kind of implementing them as we go because it's hard to think about what to do without actually trying to do it in a lot of these spaces. So if you're interested in sort of what's happening sort of closer to the ground, please reach out to us. All right. And I think that's everything that we have today. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: Can I propose a topic which may be not a top I don't know if it's topic for this group or not but we have pretty clear maintainership and contributor expectations for not edex platform but we've really avoided the topic of edex platform maintainership expectations and I had a lot of questions about what it means because when I asked people to confirm or deny their right access to edex platform they were like what comes along with this right access and I wasn't really able to describe it to
Feanil Patel: Yeah, that's a great question. yeah, I think historically we've one of the things that I know that this includes is helping review OSPRs. and Michelle and Tim are often pinging the edex platform CC's to help review those poll requests. So there'll be sort of carving out some time to help do that is a part of that work in my mind.
Feanil Patel: Yeah,…
Kyle McCormick: One of the issues I'm facing immediately is that you are too fine and…
Kyle McCormick: probably you are Jeremy. We're getting pinged on every single edex platform and it's made my GitHub notifications useless. So this isn't really a way forward. I don't think it makes sense to be in think on everything when there's 24
Feanil Patel: I think we need to change that. Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: ship should everyone be reviewing all the issues every week? Should everyone be what does shared mean? Is Is it equally shared? at this time I think we're pretty comfortable outside of edex platform. It might be time to start figuring out this one a little bit more.
Feanil Patel: I think we're sort of approaching this for having everyone pin down all issues is not super useful. this isn't me thinking a lot, but do we need to have a triage role that's specific to Edex platform? Okay.
Kyle McCormick: Perhaps a lot of it if the routing was done a lot of it is coming through funded contributions if the leads of that project were pinged instead of the maintainers of edex platform that would probably cut the noise in half. and then otherwise maybe a sort of tree style delegation like edex.org I used to have for the different apps in Edex platform to direct the noise more productively.
Jeremy Ristau: is tree structure. You mean code owners declaration or…
Jeremy Ristau: something? is that what's in the back of that statement or…
Kyle McCormick: Yeah, I mean code owners as a tool…
Kyle McCormick: if we could get it working cool. I think less specifically than the tool I mean having different folders assigned to different people.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Right. Yeah. Exactly. Yeah.
Kyle McCormick: Yeah. where there's a top level maintainer and then there's increasing level of spec
Feanil Patel: different areas. Yeah. Yeah. yeah, we started talking about this a year ago. We had sort of broached the topic, but I think we back burnered it because there was enough other big stuff to look at. my gut is we should try a thing and then iterate from there rather than maybe I think we need to get all our ideas down, make a decision about one and then try it out. I do think that Kyle, I think you're right that edex platform specifically is not a place where the maintainers can just be pinged on everything that is open.
Feanil Patel: There is also I'm realizing this oddity right now that we need to change in how pull requests are labeled because historically right things to you are not OSPRs and things from everywhere else are OSPRs and that's actually kind of it that's a historic artifact now in my mind it might not make sense to have that dichotomy anymore.
Feanil Patel: more because there's going to be a lot of places where TU people don't have right access and aren't the maintainer and need their PRs triaged kind of in the same way as other OSPRs have been historically where we're making sure that maintainers are paying on things. so I think there might be other improvements to make in how we do this as well which I'm just realizing as we talk through this.
Feanil Patel: but yeah for edex platform in particular now that we will have a sort of a full list of all the people that are there establishing sort of areas of expertise might be useful just for us as the official maintainers I would like to know what does user X know about the platform where do they feel comfortable doing reviews so that I can potentially route things to them. I don't think that's a long-term solution, but I think it's a data we need to sort of devise a long-term solution.
Sarina Canelake: I wonder if a short-term solution, and this is just thinking out loud, is to have the bot not ping all the edex platform maintainers, but leave a note that says, "Hey, here's how to ping the edex platform maintainers…
Sarina Canelake: if you don't know who to ping or here's how to ping Michelle and Tim if you don't know who to ping." Right? That would immediately reduce the noise, but still give people the option to get help if they need to get help. live and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: And that message change just went in this week. So we're late last week, I guess. Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: it's already nerfed Kyle's inbox. So, yeah,…
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. So, I think we can just make that change pretty quickly and get that noise reduction.
Sarina Canelake: I think there's a medium and a long-term solution that you're discussing, but a short-term solution should really be adjusting that bot immediately. Cool.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think we can just make that pull request and ship it today or tomorrow. Yeah. Yeah. I don't think that should be an issue. Yeah. But I think sort of medium-term now starting to gather the list of folks and what their capabilities feels like a useful next step because I don't actually know I have a sense of some platform CC's I know where I can Braden where I can ping Jill and other people and all the accent people but I don't have a good sense
Feanil Patel: of all the two new folks that are going to be CC's now and where their expertise are.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And then I mean that solution of having the bot message not immediately ping maintainers but maybe in a code block say this is the group if you don't know who to ping was like I don't need to be pinged on every pull request and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: every repo that I own because a lot of times I click in and it's like you already know who's reviewing this.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And that was actually one of the changes when they made other style changes that got slipped in was that it was in a code block and then got removed from a code block is actually…
Sarina Canelake: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: what happened,…
Sarina Canelake: I mean, I don't really mind it, but for the repos that I directly maintain openedex.org and the open edetex proposals,…
Feanil Patel: right? Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: I already watch all new open issues…
Sarina Canelake: because I directly maintain those repos.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: And it's like, if I start getting pinged for every pull request in every repo that Aximatic Engineering maintains, I'm just going to go insane.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I think that's like we should fix edex platform, but then there's probably a couple of other iterations of fixes there that we can make.
Sarina Canelake: Yeah, I think there's a way to have people be able to help themselves, but help fix …
Sarina Canelake: the FC projects like who you're pinging,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Sarina Canelake: right? I got to drop for another meeting. So does Adelfo.
Feanil Patel: It says meeting yeah Do you think that getting a understanding of what people's capabilities is useful? Do you think we need to provide more guidance to people upfront so that they are feeling less lost now from the people you've talked to on the TU side?
Jeremy Ristau: I mean, I don't disagree with anything I've heard. I'm not sure it would help me out.
Jeremy Ristau: Last week when I was trying to answer questions like, "What comes along with be being a core contributor now with my name?" Instead of pull all, it's going to say, my name, what does that mean? I don't think I have any better of a response than I did before, but
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Right.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. I mean, I think I would say the biggest thing that I could say confidently today is more being able to do reviews of pull requests in that repository that are not necessarily for the people on your team or part of your helping land other changes to EdX platform is a thing that you will be responsible for to some degree. and the mechanics of that I think we're still figuring out. But you will be called upon to help with that and we want to figure out a nice way to do that.
Jeremy Ristau: Because the statement is you will get called upon or do they need to be proactive and if they are not proactive one day someone will audit something and…
Jeremy Ristau: just decide to remove them from a list I think mechanically people are more wondering about what does this mean for me? yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: I think people will have a lot of time before we yank access for inactivity, but there's a ton of things that are in open source contributions that they could proactively do. and I'm just thinking out loud here because what I want my answer to be is we know what they can do and we can assign reviews to them that they can do in a reasonably timely manner. and people don't forget to go hunt for your two edex platform OSPR reviews because if you don't do them somebody will come yell at you. I don't want that.
Feanil Patel: But I would like right now while we're in sort of an inent place for…
Jeremy Ristau: Mhm. Yep.
Feanil Patel: how to do this stuff for X platform, I would appreciate people being proactive. I will not punish them for not being proactive. That's kind of how I think about it right now. there may come a time where we've been like, "Hey, we assigned you reviews. It's been two months and you haven't done them. That's a problem." but I think right now we're not like we don't have the mechanics in place to help them succeed and therefore I'm not going to punish them for having failed a thing that we haven't tried to improve on yet. Does that help? Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: and the other one is sort of the need to be proactive the need to be self-sufficient in this case or…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. self-directed can be difficult for people if they already have enough of a plate full.
Jeremy Ristau: I think that that's right. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. And I think and Tim and Michelle have been doing this reviewer assigned is an even tighter there's 20 of those. There's not 65 of them. These are all of the things where they don't like there's no obvious person to review them today. That's the sort of stuff I would love help with. but that's not a huge amount and I don't like we have more CC's than there are these. If all CC's took one,…
Feanil Patel: a bunch of people would not have anything to do. And that would actually be great in my opinion. if everything was being done and most people didn't have to work very hard, like a 10-hour work week situation. that's my dream,
Jeremy Ristau: Yep. That sounds like a great first step.
Jeremy Ristau: Like a hey all core contributors, here's a subset of the massive backlog. everyone should pick up one item, like a bit more of like a actionoriented rather than a process oriented kind of thing.
Feanil Patel: Yeah, we could do that.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. I love that.
Jeremy Ristau: Just to get people in there and be like, " yeah, this is my responsibility.
Jeremy Ristau: I need to,…
Feanil Patel: I was like, I don't know anything about any of these.
Jeremy Ristau: And also the like,…
Feanil Patel: way, right?
Jeremy Ristau: if we do stand by what we signed up for to do, we actually see progress.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: We see the number go down dramatically. We see things like that.
Feanil Patel: And it's like most of the time there aren't a ton of open OSPRs and that would be an amazing place to be.
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Even in the OSPR label,…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. yeah. And Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: there's FC in there and stuff. Yeah.
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah. like I said, I think the OSPR label is as of the change that we're about to make going to become even less useful than it is now. we're about to be in a place…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Yep.
Feanil Patel: where that label is just going to be useless and all PRs should be in one pool and we need to sort of figure out how to do that. so that's I think a set of conversations that need to happen with the triage team and…
Jeremy Ristau: Mhm. Gotcha.
Feanil Patel: figuring out sort of like what the right next steps are, but they've been automating a lot of the label making recently to help with their workload. and so I want to sort of be thoughtful about not increasing their workload in a way that's not sustainable. But yeah, I think that the needs reviewer assigned is a lot more useful than open source contribution. And we might be in a place where that might be the responsibility of the person who makes the pull request to be don't worry I know…
Feanil Patel: I don't know who to assign this to. And if you don't know…
Jeremy Ristau: Yeah. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: it gets an assignment. then that team triages it for you and finds you or somebody. But if it's like an internal team pull request and you're Robert's going to review this. It's fine. I don't need to like cause the entire automation system to churn simply because of it existing.
Jeremy Ristau: And I know there's nobody who owns this is the maintainer of maintainers or whatever but we've got the CC edex platform channel like somebody going in there with some amount of influence and…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: authority and saying here's the label that matters.
Jeremy Ristau: We'd love to see 19 drop to zero in the next 60 days or…
Feanil Patel: Yeah. Yeah.
Jeremy Ristau: something like that.
Feanil Patel: I think that's a great idea. Yeah. Okay. No, I'm gonna put that action item. I can take that action item. I say sometimes people have said that I'm that thing.
Jeremy Ristau: Thank you maintainer of maintainers. I appreciate that.
Feanil Patel: But that's the secret between us and anybody who watches the video. Not everybody. All right.
Jeremy Ristau: That's right.
Jeremy Ristau: You have to watch the video in order to know that there. Yeah.
Feanil Patel: That's right.
Feanil Patel: Let's All I feel like there's more conversations to be had about this, but I don't know if we're going to make much further progress on it today. All right. Anything else?
Kyle McCormick: I join late, but did we make the deer tickets action item?
Feanil Patel: Yeah, we did this one.
Kyle McCormick: Excited.
Feanil Patel:
Feanil Patel: Yeah, it's checked off. Yeah, it's awesome.
Kyle McCormick: Jeremy, I don't know if you saw my comment on the ticket, but I can handle the unit page deer separately since that's currently in flight with Raccoon Gang and kind of Interloop with the content libraries project. So, I'll keep that split off,…
Kyle McCormick: but otherwise, glad to see the big deer. Yeah, I think that one might need to stick around for another release,…
Jeremy Ristau: And I can say we don't have that page rolled out at all.
Jeremy Ristau: So yeah,…
Kyle McCormick: whereas a lot of the others can be dropped soon.
Jeremy Ristau: I think the only two we don't have are the unit page and the outline page. and I think we identified a few others. There's the not logged in page and the generic error page, stuff like that that get almost no traffic, but I think we identified them. I don't know if Brad is working to also build those out or not. but …
Kyle McCormick: Got it.
Jeremy Ristau: I think it's still safe to say you couldn't just get rid of CMS pages right now completely. Close though.
Jeremy Ristau: Getting there.
Feanil Patel: Yeah. All right.
Feanil Patel: On that note, I'm gonna publish this and I will see you guys next week.
Jeremy Ristau: Awesome. See you.
Feanil Patel: Thanks everybody. Bye.
Robert Raposa: Take care everyone. Thanks
Meeting ended after 00:43:39 👋
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