SCORM in Open edX Home
SCORM in Open edX Home
This is where we can discuss adding native SCORM capabilities to Open edX. Please join this Google Group to participate in the discussions.
- GitHub repo for Raccoon Gang's scorm xblock / SCORM 2004 XBlock from Raccoon Gang
- GitHub repo for Appsembler's scorm xblock (requires commercial SSLA player by JCA Solutions) / Getting your SCORM content into Open edX with the SCORM XBlock
- SCORM XBlock lightning talk from the Open edX conference 2016 at Stanford
- You can also see a history of discussions on the edx-code list, by searching for "SCORM".
- Update (2020-04): Overhang.IO has published an updated version of Raccoon Gang's xblock, with support for S3 scorm storage and many bug fixes: https://github.com/overhangio/openedx-scorm-xblock/
Recent space activity
Space contributors
- Régis Behmo (1711 days ago)