2016-03-03 Meeting notes
Attendees: Douglas Hall (Unlicensed), Robert Raposa, Joel Barciauskas (Deactivated), John Zornig, (deprecated) Pinch (Unlicensed), Derek White (Unlicensed), gbruhnsR (Deactivated), Braden MacDonald
LTI Provider Discussion
Use Case Concerns
Desired by partners
Sometimes SSO via LMS is more advantageous than campus shibboleth SSO
Would need to automatically enroll users in a course
Is LTI the right solution for this?
Might work for the use case of LTI to an entire course (rather than parts of a course)
Students would be able to get to edX as a whole
Desire to mix with user created accounts that could represent both LTI and non-LTI courses
Data analytics
What are the needs and possibilities for analytics in the simple use case of LTI for course content with anonymous user vs LTI SSO to an entire course.
Grade passback errors
How to avoid data loss?
Could grade passback be triggered again for a course or per student from the LMS? Student lookup would need to use api to deal with anonymous user id.
Grade updates
Could the grade be passed back after 1 minute, rather than after 15 minutes? Something in between?
Derek/UBC feedback using LTI provider on Edge
Using Blackboard
Small rendering issues
Overall positive experience
Mentioned potential upcoming expanded LTI Provider beta
Many LTI providers do create accounts for managing context, and commonly commercial products that support LTI want to build their userbase through this mechanism.
Import/export course fragments
John Zornig, UQx
For learning designers, the flexibility to move around pieces of a course would be very valuable and save a lot of time
It’s difficult to reorder a course in Studio, need to respecify a lot in each section
Peter Pinch, MIT
MIT would like an API for import and export
There needs to be a way to determine what the desired location is
Add things to the end of a library, and implement a “pick a block from a library” module (Braden)
No need seen at the moment for limiting depth/scope - just export all children
Use case for a filtered export: give me all videos or all problems
Course blocks API soon to support this, talk to Adam
Would we want roles and permissions to follow existing? What about system level users?
To promote more content reuse / sharing, we should consider how to grab content from courses in order to be able to use it, if it is publicly licensed, e.g., Creative Commons
Potentially add the ability to export from the LMS
Include assets related to course fragments
Need to consider how licensing relates to each piece of content in the course, if parts are licensed differently