Open edX 2016 practice talks

Open edX 2016 practice talks

Some of the speakers at Open edX 2016 are from the Boston area. The Open edX Meetup would be a good opportunity for them to practice their talks and share with the local community who might not be able to make it to the conference.

NameTalk TitleLink to SchedNotes
Lauren Milechin Building Scalable Tools for Open edX Learning Analytics  
 Julie MullenDIY Course Authoring: Best Practices and Tips for Small Content Creation Teams  
Ferdi Alimadhi, Peter PinchExtending Access to Open edX Through APIs  
Jared Moore, Nathan BenjaminOpen edX MOOCs in Blended, Project-based Learning Experiences  
Sar Haidar, Wael GhandourDemystifying the Open edX Architecture - Understanding the Components Behind the Magic  

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