Install for Testing

These are instructions for how to install an Open edX release on AWS for testing, using Native Open edX platform Ubuntu 16.04 64 bit Installation instructions

  1. Log in to
    1. Account ID is edx-hub
    2. Use your IAM user name.  If you don't have one, follow TODO (these instructions).
    3. Use your password and 2FA to log in.
    4. Once logged in, use the account drop-down in the upper right to change your role to edx-opensource-admin
  2. Create an EC2 instance
    1. EC2
    2. Get the details from the instructions page, but I've used: 
      1. Ubuntu 16.04
      2. t2.large
      3. 25Gb of storage
      4. no tags
      5. no security groups (we can configure it later if we want)
    3. Choose your private key, like your-private-key.pem. If you don't have one, follow TODO (these instructions).
    4. Launch it
  3. Once the instance is running
    1. Get the Public DNS from the instances page. It looks like
    2. In a local terminal :
      1. export
      2. ssh -i ~/.ssh/your-private-key.pem $AWS
  4. Now you have a shell in Ubuntu, and can follow the installation instructions from the wiki page.
    1. If you need to test special branches, you can set environment variables for each repo. For example CONFIGURATION_VERSION is the branch/tag name in configuration that will be used.  If you set CONFIGURATION_VERSION, then you need to use $CONFIGURATION_VERSION in the command lines from the instructions, instead of $OPENEDX_RELEASE.
  5. When you are completely done with the instance, don't forget to terminate it (destroy it completely) so that we don't run up charges.