Analytics Working Group

Analytics Working Group

Slack announcement in Open edX #analytic channel: 

At the Open edX conference DevSummit, a group of about fourteen of us gathered to talk analytics with the following two stated goals for the session:

1. We learn what other community members needs are that not currently met and what others have developed or are working on for analytics tools
2. Ideally we begin more collaboration in growing and evolving analytics for Open edX

For reference: https://openedx.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/COMM/pages/939753879/Developer+Summit+2019

The meeting was brief. Mostly we introduced ourselves to each other and shared our analytics interests for Open edX (goal #1). The result of the meeting is that we are kickstarting an analytics special interest group (SIG) in order to achived goal #2

@laurentdavid and I, along with a yet to be determined edX person will form the initial triumvirate chair to help build collaboration as well as help the Open edX community at large. We've got some initial work to do, starting with building information resources and identifying activities which community members can do to help build a robust analytics community.

How can you help? Initially, active participation in Open edX slack around analytics and analytics tools.

* Can you help someone who is having trouble with installing software or looking for where to get specific data?
* Has someone helped you? Now you can help others (Pay it forward). This will go a long way to building a robust community. Big thanks to @olgastroilova for this idea!
* Share your analytics stories. What problem areas do you have which we can improve analytics? which tools and techniques do you use or have created? What information do you find helps learner success? What other ideas do you have that can help make analytics work for everyone using Open edX?