Brian - Forms Audit

Brian - Forms Audit

LocationEffort to convert into PLExisting PL componentForm LayoutAlignmentLabel locationTooltipsPlaceholder textValidationLocation of validationAdvance input fieldsSemantic HTMLLinksAction buttonsSubmitScreenshots
Discussion board home, search box: https://courses.stage.edx.org/courses/course-v1:edx+bj101+2016/discussion/forum/Already using it.Yes, search componentInline, single text fieldLeft alignInside, hiddenNoneYesNoneN/ANoYesNoYesUpdates a results list outside the component. Doesn't update focus or provide feedback search has completed.

Base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-14ss7.png

Focused & filled: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-hrr08.png

After submitted: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-79h02.png

Discussions add/edit post form: https://courses.stage.edx.org/courses/course-v1:edx+bj101+2016/discussion/forum/course/threads/57e18a0081e610058d00000c

Used with Inline Discussions as well.

Already using itUses UXPL dropdowns and buttons, but not UXPL inputsStackedLeftLabels on left, with longer helptext on rightNoneNoYes - cannot submit with an empty title or bodyTop of form

Weird custom radio button toggle thing that displays as buttons (see screenshot)

WMD markdown editor input. Provided by 3rd-party vendor. Supports rendering of LaTeX expressions via MathJax with live preview.

Yes, except for help text - I don't think it's "linked" to the input strongly enough. Only some field sets are wrapped in fieldsetsNoYes - Add/Edit post and Cancel (uses UXPL buttons)Sends AJAX, form disappears and is replaced with post view

Edit base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-5tgsw.png

Add base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-8u5ud.png

Radio button toggler thingy: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-kcxth.png

Validation message: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-fwvmo.png

Checkboxes on bottom: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-oi72n.png

Discussions "Add a response" / "Add comment".

Used with Inline Discussions as well.

WMD editor (see above)

Response: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-xgo9b.png

Comment: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-zne38.png

Discussions thread listing filter on discussions homePage uses it, but it's not a UXPL inputNoInline single fieldLeftHidden (sr-only) label, placeholder and icon (right)NoYesNoneN/ANopretty closeNoNoUpdates the listbox below on keydownhttps://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-kn8h5.png
Create new program page: https://studio.stage.edx.org/program/newAlready using itYes! Fields and buttons are already UXPL componentsStackedLeftAboveNoNoYes, using UXPL form validations - although when there is a JS error submitting, nothing is displayedbelow fieldNoYesNoYes, Create and cancelCreate takes you to the edit/detail page for the new program, cancel closes the form and returns you to Studio home

Base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-f1dju.png

Validations displayed: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-nyn12.png

Edit program page: https://studio.stage.edx.org/program/111UXPL page, but not using UXPL inputsSome inputs are, some aren'tStackedLeftSome are on top, some don't have themOnly the non-UXPL inputs have themNoTop three inputs don't have them.Below the field, where it existsNoNo, for the three really weird inputs on topNoYes, for the save on the add course part of the formClicking the pencil icon brings a field out of nowhere. Clicking away from the field (apparently) saves your input - with no validation - and removes the input, making your input look like a <span>. It's really messed up.

Base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-tp0m2.png

Fields active: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-tflq6.png

Tooltips: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-az1oh.png

Add a course to the program: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-3w8zz.png

Add course validations: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-57nht.png

Create Library form: can't be linked by URL, but click "Add Library" on Studio home???NopeStackedLeftAbove, with longer help text belowNoYesYesBelow help textNo"tip"/help fields and validation errors are not semanticNoCreate and cancel (create is disabled while validation errors exist, which is a nice touch)Cancel hides the form (no page transition), create takes you to a detail page for the new library

Base state: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-7h8vi.png (validation triggered as I took screenshot)

Filled: https://i.bjacobel.com/20161205-shlxa.png

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