Course Updates Forms UX Audit
Course Updates Forms UX Audit
Location | Effort to convert into PL | Form Layout | Alignment | Label location | Tooltips | Placeholder text | Validation | Location of validation | Advance input fields | Semantic HTML | Links | Action buttons | Submit |
https://studio.stage.edx.org/course_info/course-v1:foo+bar+1111, then click "New Update" | ? | Vertical | Left | ? | No | No | No | Yes-- calendar, HTML | Sort of? | No | Post/Cancel | Go to Studio view of Course Updates | |
https://studio.stage.edx.org/course_info/course-v1:foo+bar+1111, then click "Edit" in the Course Handouts section | ? | Vertical | Left | None | None | No | No (in fact, deleting the ol tags breaks the page) | Yes-- HTML | No | No | Save/Cancel | Go to Studio view of Course Updates | |
Course Updates
Course Handouts