EdX UI Toolkit release process

EdX UI Toolkit release process

Table of Contents


Update the version

Update the toolkit version in the code:

  1. Create a new branch from master 

    git checkout master
    git pull
    git checkout -b USERNAME/release-MM-DD-YYYY
  2. Update the version number:
    • We use semantic versioning.
    • Update bower.json (for the Bower package)
    • Update package.json (for the NPM package)
  3. Add release notes to CHANGELOG.md
  4. Add and commit all the updated files

    • Use the commit message "Release <major.minor.patch>"

      • e.g. "Release 0.10.0"
  5. Create a PR with your changes
    • Note: you only need one reviewer for a release PR
  6. Merge your changes once you have thumbs

Publish Package to Bower & NPM

The UI Toolkit is available as both bower and NPM packages.  Please follow these instructions for publishing to both package managers.

  1. Create a new release in GitHub
    • For example:
    • Include the same bullet points from the CHANGELOG
    • Note that Bower will automatically create a new release once the GitHub release has been created
  2. Publish the updated version to NPM

    git checkout master
    git pull
    npm publish
  3. Confirm that the version updates have been applied:

Publish the API documentation

  1. Publish the updated documentation to GitHub Pages:

    git checkout master
    git pull
    gulp doc-publish
  2. Verify that the documentation has been updated: http://ui-toolkit.edx.org/