Discussions Moderation: Reasons for editing or closing content

Discussions Moderation: Reasons for editing or closing content


In the educator preview for new discussions experience, we have enabled content editing and post closing reasons. Users with moderation privileges can now specify reasons for editing a message or closing a post.

Release date:  27th April, 2022

Product owner: @Marco Morales (Deactivated) @Aamir Ayub


What is it? 

In the new discussions experience, users having discussions moderation privileges will be able to specify reasons when they edit a message or close a post.

These reasons will be visible to other users having moderator privileges and will help provide some context to the changes made. It will be required for moderators to select a reason when closing a post or editing content. Lists of available reasons are as follows:

Reasons for closing a post:

  1. Has grammar / spelling issues

  2. Content needs clarity

  3. Has academic integrity concern

  4. Has inappropriate language

  5. Contains personally identifiable information

Reasons for editing content:

  1. Post violates honour code or academic integrity

  2. Post should be read-only

  3. Post is a duplicate

  4. Post is off-topic


Key talking points for customers:

Who will notice the change, and where (LMS/Studio)?

Educators having discussion moderation privileges will notice this change.

Is there anything a user needs to do to enable the feature? 

As of now, this feature is available to anyone who can see the new discussions MFE (i.e. educators) provided that they have discussions moderation privileges.



We are hoping to get feedback from educators on this feature via the provide feedback button in the new discussions MFE preview. Specifically, we’ll be on a look out for requests regarding adding more reasons to the list or the reasons being mandatory.


Link(s) to additional details:  Consumer review memo


Credits: Thanks to the Infinity squad and our OpenCraft blended for development of this feature. Thanks to Jonathan Fay for UI design and Marco Morales for his guidance and support.

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