Text Input Problem User Stories

Text Input Problem User Stories

  • As a learner, I want to receive full points if I enter the correct answer with the incorrect case if the answer’s case is irrelevant to the question.

  • As a learner, I want to receive a full grade if I make a minor spelling mistake or include an accidental extra character, but still answer the question correctly.

  • As a learner whose text is automatically graded, I want to receive clear feedback on why an answer was automatically graded as being incorrect so that I understand why my answer was wrong.

  • As a learner, when a longer response is expected, I want a WYSIWYG editor for formatting my response.

  • As a learner, when there is a word limit, I want to be able to see how many words I’ve typed

  • As a course author, I want to decide if learners are entitled to full marks if their answer has minor issues such as case sensitivity, spelling errors, or typos.

  • As a course author, I want learners to be able to submit reflective text without marking their input incorrect, allowing any submitted answer.

  • As a technical course author, I want to be able to input a regex pattern to match answers against.

  • As a course author, I want to provide a whitelist of words where a learner will receive full marks for the inclusion of these words.

  • As a course author, I want to provide a blacklist of words that should not be present in answers, marking a learner incorrect for including them in their answer.

  • As a course author, I want to configure and enforce a maximum and minimum word count on submitted answers, including limiting submissions to a single word for short-answer questions to reduce the margin for error.

  • As a course author, I want to be able to manually grade answers for important questions instead of allowing auto-grading.

  • As a course author, I want to be able to include wildcards in acceptable answers to account for slight variations, such as “Fire and water” vs. “Fire & Water”.

  • As a course author, I want to be able to define per-answer feedback for a range of potential options.

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