Image Hotspot User Stories
As a learner with accessibility needs, I need the activity to be completable without the need for vision, and without requiring precise manual dexterity.
As a learner with poor eyesight, bad manual dexterity, or simply a small-resolution device, I want to be able to zoom into sections of the image, and pan my view around so that I can reduce the amount of precision needed to identify the hotspot.
As a learner, I want to be able to select my answer and then submit, rather than auto-submitting so that I don’t accidentally tap the wrong area on a mobile device.
As a course author, I want to be able to define regions by drawing them on the image I have uploaded as either squares, circles, or arbitrary polygons.
As a course author, I want to be able to define multiple regions so that I can provide feedback on specific incorrect answers.
As a course author, I need to be provided with in-app advice and the tools to ensure that the activity is as accessible as possible.