Annotation Problem User Stories
An idealised version of this tool has the following user stories associated with it:
As a course author, I want to be able to format my text, highlight text for analysis, and write questions about that text using a WYSIWYG editor
As a course author, I want to be able to ask multiple questions about different parts of the same piece of text.
As a course author using this problem for code analysis, I want to be able to enable additional features to support this use such as line numbering and syntax highlighting.
If I’m honest, this is an expansion in scope that makes this tool useful for technical subjects rather than simply text analysis.
As a course author, I want to have precise control over the formatting and display of my text, whether that is as text or code, to ensure that the text I am quoting or providing exactly matches the original.
This is important because code requires elements like whitespaces to display properly, and when conducting analysis of text, the formatting of that text with regards to things like bolding, spacing, fonts and special characters can affect the analysis of the text itself.
As a learner with various accessibility needs, I want to be able to understand and participate in the activity without reliance on the visual indicator of the text being highlighted, and without the need to hover on text.
As a learner, I want to be able to quickly see the surrounding context of the text I am being questioned about to inform my answer without scrolling back up to the full text.