[FC-0047] - Push notification messages

[FC-0047] - Push notification messages

We use Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) to send push notifications to mobile devices.

The following list explains what is required to navigate to a specific screen on a mobile phone after receiving a push notification.

Screen Name

Notification text

Requirements (context required by mobile devices from the backend)



Screen Name

Notification text

Requirements (context required by mobile devices from the backend)




{{ comment_username }} replied to {{ thread_title }}

course_id: String, Id of the course

comment_id: String, Id of the comment

topic_id: String, Id of the topic

parent_id: String, Id of the response

notification_type: forum_comment

The user will navigate to the discussion tab on course dashboard screen.

If the user is not logged in and the user is either on register or course discovery screen, sign-in screen will open.

If the courses could not load, the error message screen will open.

If the user is not enrolled in the course of a given course ID, the error message screen will open.

If the discussion is disabled the link will just open the course dashboard screen.

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct the app will open but will not redirect to the discussion screen.

Enroll (active user)

You have been invited to join {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff.

notification_type: enroll

course_id: String, Id of the course

The user will navigate to the specific course outline screen. 

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct or course ended the app will open but will not redirect to the course outline screen.

Enroll (inactive user)

You have been enrolled in {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff. This course will now appear on your {{ site_name }} dashboard.

notification_type: enroll

course_id: String, Id of the course

The user will navigate to the specific course outline screen. 

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct or course ended the app will open but will not redirect to the course outline screen.

Unenroll (active user)

You have been unenrolled from {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff. This course will no longer appear on your {{ site_name }} dashboard.

notification_type: unenroll

The user will be navigated to the dashboard screen.

App will open but will not redirect to the course dashboard screen.

Unenroll(inactive user)

You have been unenrolled from the course {{ course_name }} by a member of the course staff. Please disregard the invitation previously sent.

notification_type: unenroll

The user will be navigated to the dashboard screen.

App will open but will not redirect to the course dashboard screen.

Add Beta Tester

You have been invited to be a beta tester for {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff.

notification_type: add_beta_tester

course_id: String, Id of the course

The user will navigate to the specific course outline screen. 

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct or course ended the app will open but will not redirect to the course outline screen.

Remove Beta Tester

You have been removed as a beta tester for {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff. This course will remain on your dashboard, but you will no longer be part of the beta testing group.

notification_type: remove_beta_tester

The user will be navigated to the dashboard screen.

App will open but will not redirect to the course dashboard screen.


Not Part of the scope

Screen Name

Notification text

Requirements (context required by mobile devices from the backend)



Screen Name

Notification text

Requirements (context required by mobile devices from the backend)



Goal reminder

"You're almost there!" "There's still time to reach your goal" You set a goal of learning {{days_per_week}} times a week in {{course_name}}. You're not quite there, but there's still time to reach that goal!

notification_type: goalreminder

course_id: String, Id of the course

The user will navigate to the specific course outline screen. 

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct or course ended the app will open but will not redirect to the course outline screen.

Upgrade Reminder

We hope you are enjoying learning with us so far on {{ platform_name }}! A verified certificate allows you to highlight your new knowledge and skills. An {{ platform_name }} certificate is official and easily shareable.

notification_type: info

course_id: String, Id of the course

The user will navigate to the specific course outline screen. 

If the requirement(notification_type, course_id) is not correct or course ended the app will open but will not redirect to the course outline screen.

Gather email messages for push below [Investigation]

  1. Invitation messages:

    1. You have been invited to be a beta tester for {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff.
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/static/templates/instructor/edx_ace/addbetatester/email/body.txt

    2. You have been invited to join {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff.
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/static/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedenroll/email/body.txt

    3. You have been unenrolled from the course {{ course_name }} by a member of the course staff. Please disregard the invitation previously sent.
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/static/templates/instructor/edx_ace/allowedunenroll/email/body.txt

    4. To get started, please visit https://{{ site_name }}. The login information for your account follows.
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/templates/instructor/edx_ace/accountcreationandenrollment/email/body.txt

    5. You’re almost there! Use the link below to activate your account to access engaging, high-quality {{ platform_name }} courses. Note that you will not be able to log back into your account until you have activated it.
      Email text here: edx-platform/common/templates/student/edx_ace/accountactivation/email/body.txt

    6. Thank you for submitting your photos for identity verification with {{ platform_name }}
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/static/templates/verify_student/edx_ace/verificationsubmitted/email/body.txt

    7. You have been removed as a beta tester for {{ course_name }} at {{ site_name }} by a member of the course staff. This course will remain on your dashboard, but you will no longer be part of the beta testing group.
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/static/templates/instructor/edx_ace/removebetatester/email/body.txt

  2. Discussions posts:

    1. {{ comment_username }} replied to <b>{{ thread_title }}</b>
      {% trans "View discussion" %}
      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/discussion/templates/discussion/edx_ace/responsenotification/email/body.txt

  3. Assessment deadlines and not attend a course for several in a row:

    1. "You're almost there!" "There's still time to reach your goal" You set a goal of learning {{days_per_week}} times a week in {{course_name}}. You're not quite there, but there's still time to reach that goal!

      Email text here: edx-platform/lms/djangoapps/course_goals/templates/course_goals/edx_ace/goalreminder/email/body.txt

    2. We hope you are enjoying learning with us so far on {{ platform_name }}! A verified certificate allows you to highlight your new knowledge and skills. An {{ platform_name }} certificate is official and easily shareable.

      Email text here: edx-platform/openedx/core/djangoapps/schedules/templates/schedules/edx_ace/upgradereminder/email/body.txt


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