[Site Operator] How-To Use A Frontend Plugin Framework Slot
Utilizing *frontend plugin framework slots*, site operators now have the ability to customize various portions of Open edX MFEs. A “frontend plugin framework slot” refers to an area of a web page - comprising one or more visual elements - that can be “swapped out” with other visual elements using custom code defined in an `env.config.jsx`
file. Note: In some cases a slot may default to being empty, existing solely to be a placeholder for optional elements.
The basic procedure for replacing a slot is as follows:
#. Find the slot(s) you wish to customize by visiting the relevant `/src/plugin-slots`
page of the MFE you wish to customize (for example, see the `Learner Dashboard MFE slots documentation <https://github.com/openedx/frontend-app-learner-dashboard/tree/master/src/plugin-slots>`_)
#. Create or modify the `env.config.jsx` file (in what location?) as demonstrated in the documentation.
#. (How to test changes)
#. Rebuild the MFE (link to instructions - where?) to see your changes live on your site
Note that up to three actions may be available for a slot: “modify" (changing the links in the existing component), "replace" (fully removing the existing component and putting a custom one in instead), and "add" (putting custom components before/after the existing component). See `the MobileUserMenuSlot <https://github.com/openedx/frontend-component-header/tree/master/src/plugin-slots/MobileUserMenuSlot>`_ for an example.
Available Plugin Slots
A partial list of plugin slots is as follows. For MFEs not listed, view their `/src/plugin-slots` directory to discover if there are any slots available to use.
`Learner Dashboard <https://github.com/openedx/frontend-app-learner-dashboard/tree/master/src/plugin-slots>`_
`Frontend component header <https://github.com/openedx/frontend-component-header/tree/master/src/plugin-slots>`_
.. seealso::
Links to Sumac release notes