How to Investigate Course Import and Export Performance
How to Investigate Course Import and Export Performance
A course import / export performance problem on production has been reported. What do you check on production to investigate?
Step-by-step guide
Use our awesome monitoring tools!
- Use NewRelic to check on the import_handler / export_handler transactions. (Be sure you're checking the correct environment, i.e. prod vs. edge!)
- prod-edx-edxapp-cms export_handler transactions:
- prod-edx-edxapp-cms import_handler transactions:
- If there are transaction traces for long transactions in the "Transaction traces" section, click on one.
- The trace will show details about time spent accessing MongoDB/MySQL and various parts of the code.
- Look for:
- long amounts of time spent in something that should be short
- high call counts that should be low
- Use Splunk to see if the durations have increased over time.
- For imports:
- Start a new Splunk search and use this query:
index="prod-edx" sourcetype=nginx ("POST /import/course-v1" OR "POST /import/i4x") | rex "/import/(?<course>\S*) HTTP/1.1. (?<return_code>\S*) (?<size>\S*) (?<duration>\S*)" | timechart max(duration) by course
- For imports:
- Use DataDog and its captured course import durations to look at trends:
- The following timer was added to track course import durations:
- You can view data from this timer in the Metrics Explorer:
- The following timer was added to track course import durations: