VEM Smoke Tests

VEM Smoke Tests

This document contains the various smoke tests to run on VEM after MySQL 5.7 upgrade. For more information, visit:

The smoke tests will be run on stage and prod. You should be on edX VPN to access the following links:

Following are the scenarios that will be smoke tests(Template Ref):





Expected Result

Actual Result

Test Status





Expected Result

Actual Result

Test Status


Login Redirect

Verify that VEM redirects to LMS if the admin is accessed without login

  1. Logout from LMS(if logged in)

  2. Connect to edX VPN

  3. Visit /admin on VEM

VEM will redirect to LMS for login

VEM redirected to LMS for login



Admin Access

If the staff is logged in on LMS, the logging into VEM via SSO should display admin page

  1. Login to LMS with a staff account

  2. Connect to VPN

  3. Visit /login on VEM

After login, VEM admin page should display.

After login, VEM admin page is rendered



Transcript Credentials View

For a logged in superuser, accessing the transcript credentials api endpoint should work

  1. Login into LMS with a superuser account

  2. Connect to VPN

  3. Login into VEM with /login

  4. Once logged-in, visit /core/api/transcript-credentials

DRF html page will render with message org and provider must be specified

Following HTML page is rendered




Get Transcript Credentials

For a logged in superuser, accessing the transcript credentials api endpoint with valid organization and provider should return OK response

  1. Login into LMS with a superuser account

  2. Connect to VPN

  3. Login into VEM with /login

  4. Once logged-in, visit /core/api/transcript-credentials?org=edX&provider=3Play

DRF html page will return message Credentials not found for provider 3Play & organization edX

expected HTML page is rendered




About Video Upload Page Render

Accessing about video upload page should return the rendered HTML

  1. Connect to VPN

  2. Visit /upload

Following HTML page should render


About upload page renders correctly




About Video upload workflow

Submitting valid data on about video upload form should submit the form and start the about video encode process

  1. Connect to VPN

  2. Visit /upload

  3. Add https://studio.edx.org/course/course-v1:edX+AZ101+2019_T1 in edX Studio Course url field

  4. Upload the provided video file


  5. Submit the form.

  6. Once submitted, visit admin/core/aboutvideouploads/

The upload video should appear on the admin listing(it may take about 5 minutes for the data to appear due to polling schedule being 5 min apart)

Video appears on the admin listing




Input Video Flow

When a video is uploaded on studio, VEM should poll to get that video information and start the encoding pipeline

  1. Login to LMS

  2. Connect to VPN

  3. Visit https://studio.edx.org/videos/course-v1:edX+AZ101+2019_T1(prod) or https://studio.stage.edx.org/videos/course-v1:edx+AZ101+2019_T1(stage)

  4. Upload the video


  5. Once the video is uploaded, visit admin/core/inputvideo/

  6. The video data should be present(wait 2-3 minutes)

  7. Refresh page once the video data is in to verify video encode status is changing

  8. Once the video encode status is equal to complete, visit the studio page again.

  9. The video status should be READY

For a valid upload, VEM will go from no data to video data entry with statuses updated appropriately.

Video upload flow, alongside automated transcripts, is working