Jira vs GitHub terminology

The gist


  • projects contain:

    • issues; and

    • boards, which show subsets of the project’s issues.


  • repositories contain:

    • issues.

  • projects contain:

    • cards, each of which points to an issue; and

    • boards, which show a subset of the project’s cards.


Jira term

Closest GitHub term

Jira term

Closest GitHub term


A project is a sequential list of issues.

Projects can configure rules about their issues.

Example Project: TNL


A version-controlled codebase, containing a sequential list of issues.

Repositories can configure rules about their issues.

Example Repo: credentials


A task-management tool. Independent of repos. Permissions are managed at the GH organization level.

Projects can configure rules about their cards.

Each card in a project cards can point to an issue from any repository in any organization.

Example Project: Open edX Roadmap


An issue can have:

  • title & description

  • discussion

  • labels

  • assignees

  • linked issues

  • status

  • custom fields

Example Issue: TNL-1234


An issue can have:

  • title & description

  • discussion

  • labels

  • assignees

  • linked issues

Example Issue: credentials#1736

Pull Request

A pull request is a special type of issue that contains a code change and allows code review & merging.

It can be treated just like a normal issue for the purpose of GitHub Projects.


A card is an item on project. It can have:

  • status

  • custom fields

  • In the case of draft card, it can have:

    • title & description

    • discussion

    • assignees

  • In any other case, it has:

    • an underlying issue from any repository in any organization.

A draft card is converted to a proper card by choosing a repository, which creates an issue in that repository. The title, description, discussion and assignees from the draft are transferred to the new issue.

Multiple cards can point to the same issue. Specifically, there is a card for every project than issue has been added to.

Example Card: credentials#1736 on the Open edX Roadmap


A board is a filtered view of a project, showing a subset of the project’s issues.

Issues can be added from other projects (I think?).

Every project has a default board, configured in project setings.


A board is a filtered view of a project, showing a subset of the project’s cards. Both Kanban and Table views are available.

Cards from other projects cannot be shown.

Example Board: the Credentials tab of the Open edX roadmap

Every project has a default board: it’s one under the leftmost tab.