Could add an engineer to the BD team…need a more fully fleshed out backlog for it to make sense
Marco: layer of meta, what in that space would elevate visbility of automation or notifications to update
docsite improvements
collapse codeblocks by default
design, code, best practice
adding a11y and figma documentation information
could make the docsite a CMS on contentful
embed figma frames?
SelectableBox RCA
[discuss] We have an upcoming RCA around SelectableBox this week and finding implementers for it. Is there anything related to the RCA worth discussing here (e.g., what are we hoping to get out of the RCA)?
Education of process on both design & eng.; are some process things not working as effectively?
What improvements can we make.
[question] How can we make sure 2 teams don’t make separate things for the same thing?
[question] How can we increase shared visibility in updates or decisions?
[question] Is there a documented process that isn’t “out there enough” or is confusing?
[question] Is there a Paragon Contribution teaser video?
“Maintain quality and usability of Paragon but enable teams” ”Is there a way to tap into ADR/OEP/etc. process engineering is familiar with but for Paragon to document decisions, etc.?