Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Where I can find the information about OpenedX named releases?
- OpenedX Named Releases
- Ironwood: Ironwood is here!
How to enable Course Highlights?
- Here is the step by step guide How to enable the "Course Highlights" UI in Studio
Find my change is deployed on stage?
- First, find the related release on the /wiki/spaces/RELEASES/pages/182780356
- If the first step does not resolve the problem, Use Alton (How to Use Alton) to know Environments Deployments and Plays
- Find discovery release information here https://gocd.tools.edx.org/go/tab/pipeline/history/prod-discovery. Additionally, find the process information here IDA Release Process.
How I setup PyCharm with Devstack?
- A detailed document is available for setting up PyCharm with Devstack. In the devstack read the docs pages.
What are the Best Practices for adding GitHub commit messages?
- A detailed document is available here Git Best Practices
Where I can find Course Graph documentation?
- Course Graph URL: https://coursegraph.edx.org/browser/
- Adam Palay (Deactivated) has written comprehensive documentation for the Course Graph.
I have found missing documentation of Publisher, What should I do?
- Verify the topic is missing in the Publisher Documentation
- Update the Document and Tag Sylvia Pearce (Deactivated) on it.
Where I can find EdX Python Style Guide?
Where I can find ORA Developers Guide?
Where I can find Proctoring Developers Guide?
I need Pull Request Template
How I setup Pycharm with Docker Devstack?
- Follow the document: Docker Pycharm Integration
How do I connect with mongo shell (Docker)
- Get into mongo container with:
docker exec -ti edx.devstack.mongo /bin/bash
- Run: mongo
- Get into mongo container with:
How to find the oldest available log for the studio?
What if my
file becomes modified incorrectly.rm -rf node_modules
npm install
paver install_prereqs
npm install
Where to find Dynamic Pacing documentation?
- Gabe Mulley (Deactivated) Have shared a document for the kick start here => Dynamic schedule
Where I can find Content Libraries Architecture documentation?
- Follow the document: Content Libraries Architecture
How to enable new course outline feature on local devstack and sandbox?
Follow the document: /wiki/spaces/EDUCATOR/pages/691634264
Where I can find Course Entitlements (the latest feature of Publisher) documentation?
How to create a CCX (edX Custom) course?
- Detailed documentation is available here => http://edx.readthedocs.io/projects/open-edx-ca/en/latest/set_up_course/custom_courses.html
How to enable
it on your existing DevstackEdx-Completion
How to enable
on sandbox/locally.- Make sure you enable the following two flags.
- Make sure you enable the following two flags.
What is the release process?
- Follow the steps for the release. Completion Release Process
How to make Advanced Tab visible under subsection settings in Studio?
- set Enable Subsection Prerequisites to True in Advanced Settings.
Security Fix Process
Where is the doc for XSS (Safe Templates) attack prevention?
How to create a discovery user for an account that exists in LMS/Studio?
- With the user logged in to LMS/Studio simply open this link, it should automatically create a corresponding discovery account.
How to find a course video in VEDA?
- Go to the course in Studio (e.g. course-v1:MandarinX+MX503x+2T2018)
- Note down the course name (e.g. Mandarin Chinese Level 2)
- Go to the VEDA Admin Courses model. (https://veda.edx.org/admin/VEDA_OS01/course/)
- In search box add first three letters of Org in course id or use filter for these letters. (e.g. Man) and concatenate with the course title.
- You can also search in the model admin via course title.
- Note down the Inst. Code and Class ID and join them without any character to form the video id token. (e.g. ManBMCL2)
- Go to the Video model and search them with the video id token. (https://veda.edx.org/admin/VEDA_OS01/video/?q=ManBMCL2)
- All the filtered videos belong from the course.
How I can access LMS/CMS/STAGE/EDGE/ECOM Admin sites?
Follow the document instructions. Django Administration
Where LTI response is received in Platform
- The response is received at "outcome_service_handler
How I can create Private Channels on Slack?
Enable Video Upload Page
- Add `FEATURES['ENABLE_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE'] = True` in private .py
- Go to http://localhost:18010/admin/video_pipeline/videouploadsenabledbydefault/ and enable video upload.
Where to file an IT-SUPPORT ticket?
Enable Feature-Based Enrollment (New Revenue Model) on devstack/sandbox
What are edX active features under development?
How to run bok-choy tests locally?
- Based on the locality of the test that is to be run on the devstack, open either LMS or Studio shell.
- Run command paver test_bokchoy --serversonly to start the bok-choy servers. This command will set up the servers from scratch and will perform actions such as building static assets.
- When servers have started, open a new terminal and get into LMS/Studio shell.
- Run the command `paver test_bokchoy -t test_path --fasttest --testsonly`.
- replace test_path with the path of the test_suite that is to be ran, e.g. lms/test_problems.py::FormulaProblems::test_correctness.
- The argument --testonly will not try to start a new server and will look for any existing running server.
- The argument --fasttest will not build static assets every time a test is run.
How to locate the Problem Response CSV locally inside the lms-shell?
- run `make lms-shell`
- Inside shell, change directory to `/tmp/edx-s3/grades`
- When inside the directory, locate the folder with the same hash as the link of the report. For example, from the URL http://localhost:18000/media/a2de05ceb26ba3db7dcdebf8c8fd54a4d00030af/ed999_ed989_2019_T2_student_state_from_block-v1_ed999%2Bed989%2B2019_T2%2Btype%40problem%2Bblock%40161f95f9a5684eaea6bd4007b162782d_2019-08-08-0725.csv, the hash is a2de05ceb26ba3db7dcdebf8c8fd54a4d00030af. There will be a directory with the same name.
- Inside the directory, there will be all the generated reports.
- Copy the desired report to the
directory usingcp file_name /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform
. After running this command, the file will be visible locally.
How to clean dangling docker images?
How to install a package from /src directory with edx-platfrom
- make lms-shell
- pip uninstall edx-when -y
- Optional make sure your repo is cloned at the correct location.
- cd /edx/src/edx-when
- pip install -e /edx/src/edx-when
How can I add a new celery queue/worker for prod/edge?
- Follow this doc for basic understanding. Celery Workers Configuration
Where I can learn about edx logging guidelines?
- Read (Update if needed) the Logging docs.
How to fetch a remote (unmerged) branch locally
git fetch
git checkout -b local-branch-name
git pull origin remote-branch-name