Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. Where I can find the information about OpenedX named releases?

    1. OpenedX Named Releases
    2. Ironwood: Ironwood is here!
  2. How to enable Course Highlights?

    1. Here is the step by step guide How to enable the "Course Highlights" UI in Studio
  3. Find my change is deployed on stage?

    1. First, find the related release on the /wiki/spaces/RELEASES/pages/182780356
    2. If the first step does not resolve the problem, Use Alton (How to Use Alton) to know Environments Deployments and Plays
    3. Find discovery release information here https://gocd.tools.edx.org/go/tab/pipeline/history/prod-discovery. Additionally, find the process information here IDA Release Process
  4. How I setup PyCharm with Devstack?

  5. What are the Best Practices for adding GitHub commit messages?

  6. Where I can find Course Graph documentation?

    1. Course Graph URL: https://coursegraph.edx.org/browser/
    2. Adam Palay (Deactivated) has written comprehensive documentation for the Course Graph. 
      1. CourseGraph Quick Start
      2. /wiki/spaces/PT/pages/135102646
  7. I have found missing documentation of Publisher, What should I do?

    1. Verify the topic is missing in the Publisher Documentation
    2. Update the Document and Tag Sylvia Pearce (Deactivated) on it. 
  8. Where I can find EdX Python Style Guide?

  9. Where I can find ORA Developers Guide?

  10. Where I can find Proctoring Developers Guide?

  11. I need Pull Request Template

  12. How I setup Pycharm with Docker Devstack?

  13. How do I connect with mongo shell (Docker)

    1. Get into mongo container with:
      1. docker exec -ti edx.devstack.mongo /bin/bash

    2. Run: mongo
  14. How to find the oldest available log for the studio?

  15. What if my package.lock.json file becomes modified incorrectly. 

    1. rm -rf node_modules
    2. npm install
    3. paver install_prereqs
    4. npm install
  16. Where to find Dynamic Pacing documentation?

  17. Where I can find Content Libraries Architecture documentation?

  18. How to enable new course outline feature on local devstack and sandbox?

  19. Where I can find Course Entitlements (the latest feature of Publisher) documentation?

  20. How to create a CCX (edX Custom) course?

  21. How to enable edx-notes it on your existing Devstack

    1. /wiki/spaces/LEARNER/pages/27558611
  22. Edx-Completion

    1. How to enable course-completion on sandbox/locally.

      1. Make sure you enable the following two flags. 
        1. course_experience.enable_new_course_outline
        2. completion.enable_completion_tracking
    2. What is the release process?

      1. Follow the steps for the release. Completion Release Process
  23. How to make Advanced Tab visible under subsection settings in Studio?

    1. set Enable Subsection Prerequisites to True in Advanced Settings.
  24. Security Fix Process

    1. [Internal] - LMS/Studio Security Fix Step by Step
    2. LMS/Studio Security Fix Process
  25. Where is the doc for XSS (Safe Templates) attack prevention? 

    1. 12.2. Preventing Cross-Site Scripting Vulnerabilities
  26. How to create a discovery user for an account that exists in LMS/Studio? 

    1. With the user logged in to LMS/Studio simply open this link, it should automatically create a corresponding discovery account.
  27. How to find a course video in VEDA?

    1. Go to the course in Studio (e.g. course-v1:MandarinX+MX503x+2T2018) 
    2. Note down the course name (e.g. Mandarin Chinese Level 2)
    3. Go to the VEDA Admin Courses model. (https://veda.edx.org/admin/VEDA_OS01/course/)
    4. In search box add first three letters of Org in course id or use filter for these letters. (e.g. Man) and concatenate with the course title. 
      1. You can also search in the model admin via course title. 
    5. Note down the Inst. Code and Class ID and join them without any character to form the video id token. (e.g. ManBMCL2)
    6. Go to the Video model and search them with the video id token. (https://veda.edx.org/admin/VEDA_OS01/video/?q=ManBMCL2)
    7. All the filtered videos belong from the course. 
  28. How I can access LMS/CMS/STAGE/EDGE/ECOM Admin sites?

    1. Follow the document instructions. Django Administration

  29. Where LTI response is received in Platform

    1. The response is received at "outcome_service_handler
  30. How I can create Private Channels on Slack?

    1. How to create a Managed Private Channel in Slack
  31. Enable Video Upload Page

    1. Add `FEATURES['ENABLE_VIDEO_UPLOAD_PIPELINE'] = True` in private .py
    2. Go to http://localhost:18010/admin/video_pipeline/videouploadsenabledbydefault/ and enable video upload.
  32. Where to file an IT-SUPPORT ticket?

    1. IT-Support Ticket
  33. Enable Feature-Based Enrollment (New Revenue Model) on devstack/sandbox

    1. How to turn on FBE on devstack or a sandbox
  34. What are edX active features under development?

    1. edX Active Feature Development Work & Ownership
  35. How to run bok-choy tests locally?

    1. Based on the locality of the test that is to be run on the devstack, open either LMS or Studio shell.
    2. Run command paver test_bokchoy --serversonly to start the bok-choy servers. This command will set up the servers from scratch and will perform actions such as building static assets.
    3. When servers have started, open a new terminal and get into LMS/Studio shell.
    4. Run the command `paver test_bokchoy -t test_path --fasttest --testsonly`.
      1. replace test_path with the path of the test_suite that is to be ran, e.g. lms/test_problems.py::FormulaProblems::test_correctness.
      2. The argument --testonly will not try to start a new server and will look for any existing running server.
      3. The argument --fasttest will not build static assets every time a test is run. 
  36. How to locate the Problem Response CSV locally inside the lms-shell?

    1. run `make lms-shell`
    2. Inside shell, change directory to `/tmp/edx-s3/grades`
    3. When inside the directory, locate the folder with the same hash as the link of the report. For example, from the URL http://localhost:18000/media/a2de05ceb26ba3db7dcdebf8c8fd54a4d00030af/ed999_ed989_2019_T2_student_state_from_block-v1_ed999%2Bed989%2B2019_T2%2Btype%40problem%2Bblock%40161f95f9a5684eaea6bd4007b162782d_2019-08-08-0725.csv, the hash is a2de05ceb26ba3db7dcdebf8c8fd54a4d00030af. There will be a directory with the same name.
    4. Inside the directory, there will be all the generated reports. 
    5. Copy the desired report to the edx-platform directory using cp file_name /edx/app/edxapp/edx-platform. After running this command, the file will be visible locally.
  37. How to clean dangling docker images?

    1. To remove unused images, use docker image prune(Ref).
    2. To remove unused data, including images, use docker system prune(Ref).
  38. How to install a package from /src directory with edx-platfrom

    1. make lms-shell
    2. pip uninstall edx-when -y
    3. Optional make sure your repo is cloned at the correct location. 
      1. cd /edx/src/edx-when 
    4. pip install -e /edx/src/edx-when
  39. How can I add a new celery queue/worker for prod/edge? 

    1. Follow this doc for basic understanding. Celery Workers Configuration
  40. Where I can learn about edx logging guidelines?

    1. Read (Update if needed) the Logging docs. 
  41. How to fetch a remote (unmerged) branch locally

    1. git fetch
    2. git checkout -b local-branch-name
    3. git pull origin remote-branch-name