Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

How do I run the discussion forums in devstack?

  1. run LMS and CMS
  2. vagrant ssh
  3. sudo su forum
  4. git pull to get most recent version of cs_comments_service master branch
  5. If necessary, run a migration (see migration steps below).
  6. run the following commands

    Code Block
    bundle install # this should only be needed once
    API_KEY=password bundle exec rackup -o -p 18080 # this command needs to be run every time you need discussions

    1. See if having problem problems with missing Ruby gems (via bundle install).
    2. Use "ruby app.rb -p 18080" if rackup is not working, but this will not cache mongo results and should not be used for performance work.


This is an example for a specific migration script:

Code Block
mongo cs_comments_service_development scripts/db/migrate-007-thread-type.js

How do I run and debug unit tests for the comments service (ruby code)?


It may be simpler to follow instructions for setting up RubyMine for debugging.

  1. vagrant ssh
  2. sudo su forum
  3. rspec command will run all tests
  4. To run just a specific test, add ":focus => true" where the test is declared. Example:
    1. describe "app" do
          describe "notifications", :focus => true do

  5. Add a "debugger" command in the code where you want to stop in the debugger
  6. Now specify -d to the rspec command (rspec -d)
  7. If that fails with a message that starts with "cannot load such file -- ruby-debug", do this:
    1. edit Gemfile and uncomment the line with "debugger"
    2. bundle install
    3. Run rspec -d again

How do I enable cohorts?

See Internal Cohort Documentation

