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Table of Contents

Setup RubyMine and Comment Service


Code Block

Running RSpec Tests locally using command line debugger


These are old instructions that haven't been tested with recent changes. Please edit/remove this comment or section as appropriate if you try this out.

  1. vagrant ssh
  2. sudo su forum
  3. rspec command will run all tests
  4. To run just a specific test, add ":focus => true" where the test is declared. Example:
    1. describe "app" do
          describe "notifications", :focus => true do

  5. Add a "debugger" command in the code where you want to stop in the debugger
  6. Now specify -d to the rspec command (rspec -d)
  7. If that fails with a message that starts with "cannot load such file -- ruby-debug", do this:
    1. edit Gemfile and uncomment the line with "debugger"
    2. bundle install
    3. Run rspec -d again

Running RSpec Tests on Devstack (not currently supported)
