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  1. Why isn’t DiscussionsConfig working?

    1. Steven spent awhile on this last night - migration is working - but there’s an entry with an empty string, NOT a NULL entry. Not an easy way forward atm.

    2. Fastest solution would be to fix the entry in the db - Steven reaching out to SRE

    3. First maybe look into doing a raw sql migration?

  2. What’s up for Kshitij?

    1. APIs for pages & resources view (v1.5 Milestone)

    2. Might be worth looking at the client side stuff being merged in (David Joy (Deactivated) to link PR)

      1. DJ to merge this, plus modal view, to serve as template

  3. Timeline to review discovery for Discourse?

    1. Ticket for Discourse in current sprint

    2. others (Yellowdig, Piazza), are testable in the sandbox:

    3. Inscribe was added but not relayed to OpenCraft.

      1. Blocked without LTI details.

  4. TBD: Future Milestone Planning / Review toward a Phase 2 budget

    1. edX Sprint goal candidate for next week.


  1. Brief meeting, minimal updates
