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2021-04-07 🌟

What went well?

  • 🌟 ADRs for shared clarity

  • Regular syncs to review UX

  • 🌟🌟🌟🌟Producing ADRs and PRs in draft form for early, fast feedback

  • ADRs help us reach agreement on complex topics that are difficult to talk about in a meeting and keep in your head

  • 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟More granular tasks are very helpful; both for visibility and sanity

  • 🌟We now have much clearer scope for upcoming milestones.

  • Everyone seems to be on the same page regarding project handoff

    • Handoff meetings went well

What could be improved?

  • Communication got better, but still could focus more on doing daily async standups

  • 🌟🌟It’s not always possible to know in advance if an ADR will be needed for a task, and injected ADRs get harder to review.

  • 🌟🌟🌟 Need to agree on a level of detail in UX tickets that everyone’s comfortable with; David may have had enough context to make-do with less detail, but I think we’re learning that more might be helpful for folks onboarding into the project. Not really a ‘problem’, but something I think we’ll learn/work through together.

    • Mainly worth a call-out here; an adjustment to process

    • Current Miro board has a lot going on, maybe this could be broken up a little more for clarity

    • Jon F volunteering to make a separate Miro board - deliverables only (finalized designs)

  • 🌟🌟 🌟Hard to get code reviewed sometimes, which is problematic if you’re working on a series of PRs that sorta depend on each other.

    • seems difficult in general at times having differing time allotment/committment between teams (eg, one of TNL on call in a given week, conflicting OC sprints, etc.)

      • Coordinate scheduling better - communicate on-call, interrupts, vacations, as in advance as you can

      • OC works they have stuff for review on second Wednesday of sprint; keep in sync with edX team to make sure everyone knows that’s coming

    • Try to prioritise reviews when you can

    • Can be hard with timezones on a lot of things

      • Timing may be easier with Awais & team coming on the project

  • 🌟 Frontend test coverage is lagging

  • Reviewing milestones frequently to make sure we’re on track

  • 🌟 🌟🌟🌟🌟 Code refactors can be hard to rebase around so should probably be done in smaller steps.

    • Hard with stacked pull requests on top of some refactors

    • Smaller changes make it easier to do the rebase

  • Focus on incremental, user-facing delivery

  • 🌟Churn around who is going to implement Paragon components

    • need to involve Product, Eng Mgrs in discussions

  • Meeting host needs to admit people from waiting room;

    • somehow even though I’m the meeting host so did I? Or did someone take over host somehow?

    • it thinks Steven is host/admin 🤷‍♂️

What did we achieve? (for sharing, demos, or simple visibility)

  • Working LTI integrations on the sandbox instance.

  • Piazza, YellowDig and potentially other LTI tools will now work. Discourse can work with some caveats

  • Infrastructure is there to support other kinds of LTI tools in course tabs as well.

  • 🌟All major structural work in frontend-app-course-authoring is done or nearing completion… we should just be left with smaller things and polish.

2021-01-05 🌠 🕵️‍♀️

What went well?
