Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Comment: Address feedback


However, for options 1-3, the new capabilities need to be added to hard-coded lists in the platform. For example, there is a list of URLs, a list of tab types, a list of reports, a list of instructor dashboard components etc. This seems simple to update, but it means that the platform has to be changed to receive each new feature.




Use Cases

Here is a quick summary of how four recent features were implemented. For more details, see the Appendix: Recent Feature Audit.


  • There is no way to extend the platform SASS, so instead independent SASS was written which is included in addition. This won't play well with theming.
  • XBlocks do not support RequireJS 
    • This made it hard to ensure that the block has the dependencies it needs
    • It also required that a custom mechanism be used to modularize the code into smaller files 
  • Studio authoring view is not truly integrated for xblocks
    • ORA 2 had to fake out the Save and Cancel buttons as Studio can only save changes to xmodules today
  • The only option for admin views is through the Studio authoring view or through staff-level features added to the courseware block
    • It is painful to have to navigate to the component to be able to administer it. It would be preferable to have ORA 2 admin views in Studio and in the Instructor DashboardAdding admin views inside an xblock is powerful but constrained by the space provided
      • It could be better to have links from the xblock to a full-page admin view (maybe as a tab on the instructor dashboard)
    • It would be useful to add ORA 2 reports to the "Data Downloads" tab
  • There was no easy way to write integration tests that get run with the platform release
    • Separate sandbox was provisioned for automated tests but it stopped working and has been disabled


  • New configuration settings were added to lms/envs/
  • New course settings were added to InheritanceMixin in common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/modulestore/
  • The core HTML component was updated to render notes inline
  • The AnnotatorJS library was added as a vendor library to common/static/js/vendor
  • A new LMS "Notes" tab was added to common/lib/xmodule/xmodule/
    • The URL for the new tab was added to lms/
    • Mako templates for the new tab were added to lms/templates
    • CSS for the new tab was added to lms/static/sass
    • The JavaScript Backbone views were added to lms/static/js
  • Tests were written for all the new UI
    • Jasmine tests were added to lms/static/js/spec
    • Jasmine HTML fixtures were added to lms/static/js/fixtures
    • Bok Choy tests were added to common/tests/acceptance

Plug-in Architecture


5. Student Data Tab

Here is an upcoming use case from Braden MacDonald:

We have a custom XBlock used throughout certain Harvard courses, and their instructors want to export all the student data associated with those XBlocks (stored in edx-submissions). So we want to be able to add an instructor-only tab to the course in the LMS, where we can put a new UI for instructors to generate .CSV exports of that data.

Plug-in Architecture

There are a number of changes that are needed to support the ability for a new feature to be implemented purely within its own Django app:

  • Stevedore extension points should be provided for each of the common UX changes that need to be made
    • Note: see the Audit below for a comprehensive listAn initial list would includeAudit below for a comprehensive list
    • The first such extension point has been provided by PR 8015
      • This allows any Django app to provide new views for a course
      • These views are shown as tabs in the current web client
    • Some important first extension points are as follows:
      • "Feature flag"
        • Note: this will be a ConfigurationModel derivative (which includes a built-in enabled column)
        • We recommend this over using a Django settings feature flag
        • It would be useful to allow all associated extensions to obey the feature flag automatically
      • URLs for new UI and REST APIsLMS tabs (although the concept should be more general as mobile won't render these items as tabs)
      • Instructor Dashboard components/tabs
  • XBlocks should be extended to provide more capabilities
    • Course-scoped fields for configuration settings
      • Jira Legacy
        serverJIRA (
    • Studio editing tabs for xblocks
      • Jira Legacy
        serverJIRA (
      • Jira Legacy
        serverJIRA (
    • Admin views for both Studio and LMS
    • Need built-in support for RequireJS or AMD compliant dependency management
      • Jira Legacy
        serverJIRA (
  • The Django asset pipeline needs to be improved
    • Have the pipeline pick up assets from all installed Django apps (to support CDNs, minification etc)
    • RequireJS Optimizer support should be added to the LMS
      • Jira Legacy
        serverJIRA (
      • See also RequireJS in the LMS
  • There are some interesting aspects of supporting arbitrary plug-ins
    • An order must be established for visual aspects such as tabs. Today the order is implicit in the hard-coded list.
      • If in doubt, sort the items alphabetically by name
    • How can plug-ins adopt the correct look-and-feel?An initial thought is that we could view plug-ins render the correct page
      • For example, how does a new tab render the correct header and footer for itself?
      • The simplest solution is to document the boilerplate that each plug-in type should is required to include
      • Miki suggests that maybe we should use inheritance to our benefit here, where the superclass renders the boilerplate
      • Eventually we might want to use a mechanism more like XBlock that can be rendered inlineso that a plug-in only owns a block and not the entire page
        • A possible challenge with this is that it is subverting the Django framework
    • It needs to be decided how mobile can benefit from these plug-ins
      • If they provide new UI as URLs then they won't just drop in to mobile
      • XBlocks will just appear, but only by using a web view to render the HTML
      • React, a JavaScript library from Facebook, might help with native rendering of HTML
