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  • Add an issue to the most appropriate repo.

  • Use GitHub task lists for sub-tasks.

    • Note: The parent/child relationship will only be visible from inside the task or sub-task. It will not be visible from the board view.


A Jira Epic is a grouping of related tasks into a larger deliverableIn agile development, an Epic represents a series of user stories that share a broader strategic objective.

  • Create a GitHub issue representing the Epic.

    • It is recommended that you choose a single org (and maybe repo) for all related epics.

    • Add the “epic” label. See “Project Labels” section for details.

    • (Optional) Consider a consistent Epic issue title, like: [<FEATURE NAME>] <EPIC TITLE>.

    • Add a description of the Epic.

      • If the Epic has other related Epics, point to a top-level issue that describes the overall project.

      • See instructions below for adding milestone details to the Epic description.

    • To track tasks related to the Epic, you can do one or both of the following:

      • Option 1:

        • Create a GitHub task list in the Epic.

        • This list could include text-based acceptance criteria, links to issues/PRs (in any repo), etc.

        • Note: The GitHub project board cannot show Epic task-list associations for issues/PRs. Additionally, when directly viewing an issue or PR, you can only see if it is in a task list within the same org (or possible the same repo?).

          • See milestones for a workaround.

      • Options 2:

        • Use milestones and a search link.

        • See notes on adding milestone details to the Epic.

    • See example Epic issue:

  • Create milestones representing the Epic

    • In each repo that will contain GitHub issues/PRs for the Epic, create a related GitHub milestone.

    • For consistency, add the milestone details in the Epic description:

      • Code Block
        Milestone Details:
        - Title: [<FEATURE NAME>] <EPIC TITLE> 
        - Description: See <LINK TO EPIC ISSUE> for Epic details.
        - (Optional) Due Date: <DATE>.
          - Important: Date changes need to be fixed in all repos with this milestone defined.
        - Open issues/PRs with milestone:<URL-ENCODED MILESTONE TITLE>%22
        • If you will be creating issues/PRs in multiple orgs, and you want to search the milestone across multiple orgs, you’ll want the milestone name to be unique.

        • To get the URL-encoded search URL, go to and add milestone:"<MILESTONE TITLE>" after is:open in the search bar.

      • Create an instance of the milestone in the same repo as the Epic, and add the milestone to the Epic issue.

      • Milestones link:<ORG>/<REPO>/milestones

    • Since the milestones need to be duplicated, it is useful to have its details in the shared Epic issue.

    • Milestones can be seen in a project’s board view, if it is configured to display them.

    • From an issue/PR, you can easily see its milestone and get a back link to the Epic.

      • This is very important when working in a repo that is maintained by another team, so they can easily see when new issues have plans to be handled.

    • See example milestone:
