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Table of Contents

How it will work

Phase 1

Creating Jira issues from GitHub issues

  • Commenting on a GitHub issue can make a Jira issue.

    • Q: How do we find the Jira project to use?

      1. An explicit mention in the comment.


      1. No: too laborintensive, error-prone, and repetitive.

      2. The issue’s repo has an associated Jira project (somehow).

      3. The issue is on a project board, and the project has an associated Jira project (somehow).

Creating GitHub issues from Jira issues

Commenting on a Jira issue can make a GitHub issue.

Q: How do we find the GitHub repo to use?


  • The GitHub issue will then get another comment with a link to the Jira issue.

    • Q: is there a better way? GitHub issues don’t have arbitrary links out.

  • The Jira issue will have a link to the GitHub issue.

    • I think we already have a field for this? “customfield_10904” (known as URL, but there are multiple fields called URL).

Creating GitHub issues from Jira issues

Q: Will it be enough for phase 1 to not do this?

Syncing information between Jira and GitHub

  • Q: As the GitHub status changes, what should change on the Jira side?


Below here is the content of the page from November 2022:
