Versions Compared


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  • Default setting is that users cannot edit Library content in a course

  • Authors have the option to override this setting

  • Authors who do override the setting are given clear notifications when they make local changes to Library content

Notes - 3/13/24

Questions on Collections

  • What are the expectations of Collections size/number?

    • 1:1 v1 mapping use case is the initial

    • Small pools of randomized contents

    • Early adopters like WGU would want larger sets of content, not small randomized content pools.

    • If they have a set of questions, better to keep that as a bounded thing.

    • Feedback from Colin: Us prescribing the difference between a problem bank and a collection is overreach. Workflow for problem bank vs. collection seemed like a step too far.

  • Can we get rid of the option to “not randomize”?

    • So you can pick components one at a time (add from library → no problem bank involved)

      • Or bulk select or all select

    • To avoid the “collections as units” use case.

    • This is okay for MVP.

  • Problem Banks as distinct concepts in a Library, what makes them distinct from Collections:

    • Teaches a specific learning objective, probably tied to an exam

    • May have ordered relationships - ie, Bank A is a pre-req to Bank B

    • Settings that apply to all components, default values (could be overridden in a course)

    • a/b testing, data on effectiveness

    • What would these ^ look like as specs/requireemnts:

      • Title captures the learning objective

      • In the Problem bank block, there are limitations about the types of collections they can pull over - limited to “small” collections

      • requirement of a limited amount of content in a problem bank (100?) [can we get this data from coursegraph?]

  • Concept of learning objectives as a first class thing in Libraries


  • Will go with generalized collections as the only method for creating subsets in Libraries

Still open questions:

  • Are collections versioned? Logs?

  • What’s the user story for needing to track changes to collections?