Versions Compared


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Any author-able, publishable entity in Libraries. This will include Component, Unit, Subsection, Section, and possibly others in the future. Items are individually versioned.


A grouping of any combination of Items in a Library. Collections can be created for pedagogical or administrative/workflow reasons, and . They can range in size from very small (a few Items), but can be very large (100K+). The same Item may appear in multiple Collections.

*Note: A Collection is not a Unit, Subsection or Section. Units, Subsections and Sections are defined as precise sequences of components/content, where the sequencing is intentional and delivers a specific learning outcome. Collections are non-sequential and may be much larger/contain much more content than a typical course unit, subsection or section. Furthermore, Collections are not versioned, nor can be published, whereas Units, Subsections and Sections are versioned and can be published.

Problem Bank [Item Pool? Content Pool?]

A block type that will be added to the course and is responsible for showing a random subset of Items to a learner. These Items will ultimately come from a Library, either by selecting a particular Collection and/or some set of tags.

MVP Limitations - Randomized pools can only be components, with the likely use case being problem blocks.

Problem blocks defined as scorable types, as listed here:

[Future state question: Do we need a concept for something that sits between a component and a unit. Ie, two components that need to be paired, sequentially. ]

Key user stories

As a content author, I don’t want to have to create a new Library every time I need to create a different pool of content for randomization.

  • This is a departure from v1 library behavior.

  • Relaunched libraries are intended to contain many more Items than v1 libraries, as well as Collections wtihin Libraries..

  • Implies a migration path where a v1 library maps to a Collection within a new library experience, rather than a 1:1 mapping of v1 to new style libraries.


  • Authors can create subsets of components for the sake of grouping like components together as a method of content organization and management. 

    • For example, I want to create a subset of evergreen videos about how to do peer-reviews.

  • Authors can create as many Collections in a Library as they wish.

  • Authors can add as many components to a collection as they wish.

  • Components can live in multiple collections.

  • Collections can contain mixed media types (for example, a collection may contain video components, text blocks and problems all within the same collection).

  • Search/sort/filter within a collection

    • Basic keyword search within a collection

    • Basic sort and filter

      • Sort alphabetical

      • Filter by tag

    • Jenna Makowski notes: “Really need to weigh the immediate user need against feasibility and eng effort, especially for MVP, esp since Collections will be assumed fairly small at the outset. Alternative barebones MVP approach is to auto-populate lists of components in collections alphabetically.”

    • [Key here is whether changes/updates to a collection in a Library need to auto-sync to item pools already being used in a course]

  • [FUTURE STATE] When Libraries support units, subsections and section, collections may also contain any combination of components, units, sections and subsections. Note that a single unit or a single section is not considered a Collection. Rather, a Collection is comprised of multiple sections, multiple units, etc.


  • When authors create new components in a Library or edit them, they can choose to “add to a new Collection” or “add to a pre-existing Collection”.

  • Authors can create a collection and add components to it. I know I need a collection of all my ‘how-to videos’, I go to my library > create new collection > title it > save. Now I can go ahead and add content to the existing library.

  • Authors can use tag queries to create Collections, based on tags that have already been added to components. For example, create a Collection, or add, with all components that have been tagged with “algebra”, “easy” and “multiple choice”. [live updates/sync option]

    • [Does adding tags to new content create an auto-sync for that content to be added to relevant collections? Would be a complex implementation]

  • Authors can give Collections titles and brief descriptions. These can be edited later.

  • Authors can add tags to Collections, in the same way that they can add tags to components.


What’s the user story for needing to track changes to collections?

None of these are required for MVP.

Current assumptions:

  • Log what was added to and removed from a Collection.

  • Log who made those changes.

  • Log when the changes were made.

  • Log when edits are made.

  • Log when there are published updates to the Items in a Collection.
