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Feanil Patel

  • The change creates a maintainer team, wg-maintenance-edx-platform, with Feanil and Kyle as members

  • maintainers OEP:

  • Robert: what does this change mean? should we have an ADR for it?

    • why change it? to have a different contact team

      • Feanil: Yes

      • Feanil: with DD work, it seems like arch-bom doesn’t have time to be the contact

      • Feanil has been doing a lot of decision making around edx-platform, would be good to represent that

  • Robert: edx-platform is in a state of evolution

    • not perfect architecturally

    • in the past, we have let things land imperfectly, eg things that should be plugins landing in the core

    • seems like Axim’s stance is to block these sort of changes going forward

    • question: is Axim investing in plugin points/improvements so that people are preemtively unblocked?

      • Feanil: willing to negotiate, but our drive to make those plugin points is higher

        • It is hard to remove things later

          • eg, edx-enterprise

  • Discussion around hopes/fears of having Axim be the “decider” on edx-platform changes

    • Feanil: Looking forward to having a framework in place for negotiating architectural tradeoffs

  • Jeremy & Robert will discuss and comment on PR

DD for server-side templates

Robert Raposa


Redwood bug triage for edx-platform

Kyle McCormick


Settings Files

  • Settings get set in yaml files and override in multiple files should we re-think this wholly.

    • Good to have this discussion on the obeseletion of OEP-45

New label for OSPRs needing reviewers?

Michelle Philbrick

  • Context:

    • Lots of repos still need maintainers or maintainers are out of date.

      • Can we update the auto tagging of reviewers on repos that are no longer maintained?

    • Needs reviewer filtering not working because PRs have people assigned that no longer makes sense.

      • Can we fix this or have a label that is independent?

    • Michelle and Tim not able to remove reviewers in certain cases which makes it hard to manage PRs that need review.

      • You need write access to a repo to remove reviewers on an issue.

      • We need to be able to identify PRs where the assigned reviewer is no longer reviewing or has otherwise stalled.

      • It would be great for other reviewers to quickly find these items and get them reviewed.

✅ Action items

  •  Feanil Patel reach out to DKH to see who at 2U should be included in the Node 20 Retro, maybe an Arbibom Person? (Also optional, Sarina C, Robert R)
  •  Michelle Philbrick will put in an Axim Request to add a new label to all repos.
