You can add topics below ahead of time, or add them during the meeting.
MFE build time
1hr+ to build MFEs
Number of MFEs has not changed since Quince – 10 (https://github.com/overhangio/openedx-release-demo/blob/master/.github/workflows/deploy.yml#L101 )
Custom npm registries
Local deployment of an npm registry
vs. shared npm registry
devstack had devpi for python reqs
devpi is pretty easy to set up
install vs build - which is the problem?
building all MFEs (except Learner Dash) without cache on AWS spot fleet m5.xlarge
Duration: 43 minutes 4 seconds
Max number of simultaneous connections to npm registry by IP address
why does the network connection break when we have too much parallelism in the build?
this seems different than the npm connection limitation. seems that the host’s network connection is failing
saturation of bandwidth?
to build mfes in sandbox, had to explicitly set max_parallelism=2
Sharing dependencies across MFEs
“No New MFEs”
Remote registry
Axim-provided registry? network of registries, different providers in different regions
Local registry
This can definitely have multiple versions
Local cache. Two potential issues:
1. ensure that it’s actually caching anything at all:https://discuss.openedx.org/t/npm-clean-install-in-mounted-directories-sh-super-slow-on-tutor-nightly-dev-with-mounted-edx-platform/12761/3
2. version conflicts across MFEs may invalidate a shared cache
Other solutions (not currently following up on)
Pre-built image with some deps
Max has tried this
Install one mfe’s deps using previous mfe as a base
Used pnpm – can handle multiple different versions of package
pnpm didn’t work out of the box
pnpm , workspace for each mfe
Present: Kyle McCormick several people
Meeting link: https://meet.google.com/rhs-veey-rrp