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FieldDescriptionInitializable byEditable by
idString. The identifier string of the thread.NoneNone
course_idString. The identifier string of the thread's course.Any roleNone
topic_idString. The identifier of the thread's topic.Any roleAuthor or privileged role
group_idInteger. The numeric identifier of the thread's group (i.e. cohort) or null if not in a group.Privileged rolePrivileged role
group_nameString. The display name of the thread's group (i.e. cohort) or null if not in a group.NoneNone
authorString. The username of the thread's author. Null if and only if the thread is anonymous or the thread is anonymous to students and the user does not have a privileged role. Can vary by user.NoneNone
author_labelString. A string value to indicate that the author has a privileged role. Currently, this will be either "Staff" for Administrators and Moderators or "Community TA" for Community TAs.NoneNone
created_atISO 8601 String. The timestamp of the thread's creation.NoneNone
updated_atISO 8601 String. The timestamp of the thread's last modification. Note that this can include certain operations that are not visible to the present user, such as the thread being flagged by another user.NoneNone
typeString. The type of post (either "question" or "discussion").Any roleAuthor or privileged role
titleString. The title of the thread.Any roleAuthor or privileged role
raw_bodyString. The raw content of the thread. This may contain Markdown, HTML, and MathJax markup.Any roleAuthor or privileged role
rendered_bodyString. The content of the thread, rendered in HTML (Markdown rendering and HTML stripping applied).NoneNone
has_endorsedBoolean. Whether the thread has any endorsed comments.NoneNone
pinnedBoolean. Whether the thread is pinned (to appear at the beginning of a thread list regardless of sort).Privileged rolePrivileged role
closedBoolean. Whether new edits and responses are allowed.Privileged rolePrivileged role
followingBoolean. Whether the user is following the thread. Can vary by user.Any roleAny role
abuse_flaggedBoolean. Whether the user has flagged the thread as abusive. Can vary by user.NoneAny role
votedBoolean. Whether the user has voted for the thread. Can vary by user.NoneAny role
vote_countInteger. The total number of votes for the thread.NoneNone
readBoolean. Whether the user has read the thread. Can vary by user.NoneNone
comment_countInteger. The total count of contributions (post + responses + comments) for the thread.NoneNone
unread_comment_countInteger. The total count of unread contributions (post + responses + comments) for the thread. Can vary by user.NoneNone
comment_list_urlString. The URL of the comment list for the thread. In Q4 implementation, this will be null for question threads.NoneNone
endorsed_comment_list_urlString. The URL of the endorsed comment list for the thread. In Q4 implementation, this will be null for discussion threads.NoneNone
non_endorsed_comment_list_urlString. The URL of the non-endorsed comment list for the thread. In Q4 implementation, this will be null for discussion threads.NoneNone
editable_fieldsList of Strings. The names of fields that can be edited by the user.NoneNone
response_countInteger. The total number of direct responses for the thread.NoneNone


FieldDescriptionInitializable byEditable by
idString. The identifier string of the comment.NoneNone
parent_idString. The identifier string of the comment's parent comment (null for first-level thread responses).Any roleNone
thread_idString. The identifier string of the comment's thread.Any roleNone
authorString. The username of the thread's author. If and only if anonymous is true or anonymous_to_students is true and the user does not have a privileged role and is not the author, this will be null. Can vary by user.NoneNone
author_labelString. A string value to indicate that the author has a privileged role. Currently, this will be either "Staff" for Administrators and Moderators or "Community TA" for Community TAs.NoneNone
created_atISO 8601 String. The timestamp of the comment's creation.NoneNone
updated_atISO 8601 String. The timestamp of the comment's last modification. Note that this can include certain operations that are not visible to the present user, such as the thread being flagged by another user.NoneNone
raw_bodyString. The raw content of the comment. This may contain Markdown, HTML, and MathJax markup.Any roleAuthor or privileged role
rendered_bodyString. The content of the comment, rendered in HTML (Markdown rendering and HTML stripping applied).NoneNone
endorsedBoolean. Whether the comment has been endorsed by a privileged user or accepted as a correct answer by the thread author or a privileged user.Thread author (if thread is a question) or privileged roleThread author (if thread is a question) or privileged role
endorsed_byString. The username of the user who endorsed the comment. Can be null if the information is unavailable or to avoid revealing the identity of the author of an anonymous thread (i.e. when a non-staff author of an anonymous thread endorses a response).NoneNone
endorsed_by_labelString. A string value to indicate that the endorser has a privileged role. Currently, this will be either "Staff" for Administrators and Moderators or "Community TA" for Community TAs.NoneNone
endorsed_atISO 8601 String. The timestamp of the endorsement or acceptance as a correct answer. Can be null if the information is unavailable.NoneNone
abuse_flaggedBoolean. Whether the user has flagged the comment as abusive. Can vary by user.NoneAny role
votedBoolean. Whether the user has voted for the comment. Can vary by user.NoneAny role
vote_countInteger. The total number of votes for the comment.NoneNone
childrenList of Comments. The children of this comment.NoneNone
editable_fieldsList of Strings. The names of fields that can be edited by the user.NoneNone
