Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Problem Statement and Value Proposition

While the Header is designed around an out-of-the-box experience that works for many organizations, that design may not work for everyone. The goal of this project is to make the Header a customizable feature, allowing organizations to make changes to components in the Header that reflect their specific needs and goals. As such, organizations may choose to use the out-of-the-box header, or they may choose to customize parts of the Header to meet their specific needs.

Current State Experience

From the perspective of learners and course teams, there are four versions of the Header in the LMS UI.


  • A logo icon which links out to the registration/authentication page

  • An Explore Courses button which leads to the course catalog

  • A Register for free button which links out to the registration/authentication page

  • A Sign in button which links out to the registration/authentication page

User Stories

As a course team member or administrator:


In the logged out state, I want to be able to customize the Explore Courses button and the Register for Free button so that I can use any buttons and any custom links I’d like.



Requirements to refine the out-of-the-box experience:


  • Users should be able to add pages to the dropdown menus and to customize the url the pages link out to.

  • Users should be able to remove pages from the dropdown.

  • Users should be able to customize any urls in the dropdown.

  • Users should be able to rearrange the order of pages in the dropdown.

  • Users should be able to customize which name (username versus full name) displays in the dropdown.

  • Users should be able to opt out of using the Help button.

  • Users should be able to customize the url for the Help button.

  • Users should be able to replace the logo with a custom logo and add any url.

  • Users should be able to customize the url on the Programs tab.

  • Users should be able to customize the url on the Discover New tab.

Behavior Assumptions

If I change something in the dropdown menu or in any other part of the Header, it is my expectation that the change would apply to the Header across all of the LMS pages.