Units exhibit many of the same behavior patterns in Libraries as do Components:
Creating and Editing Units
Units can be created from scratch in the +New workflow, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed to create the unit
Units can be edited, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed
There are 3 pathways for adding components to a unit from within the unit editor
New components can be created
Existing components can be added
Components copied in the clipboard
Presentation of Units in the Library UI
Each unit in a Library has a tile representation with a title and description
Units populate among the components and collections on the library home
Units turn up in search results and can be sorted and filtered
There is a Unit Tab, which is a filter on unit as a content type
Each unit has a sidebar, with
Previews that display which components are contained within the unit
Publish status
Usage details
Version history
Unit behaviors
Units can be published
The same publishing rules apply to units as components; units are available for reuse in courses once they are published (see: )
Units can be tagged
Units can be copied
Units can be pasted
Units can be added to, and removed from, collections
Collections can contain a mix of both components and units
Expected Component behavior vis-a-vis units
A component can exist as both a standalone component and as part of a unit
View-only and Edit modes/Managed vs externally managed vs unmanaged
Requirements TBD
Managed content item - any level of content (section, subsection, unit, component) that exists in a library.
Externally managed content item - any level of content that exists in a library that is ‘connected’ to an external CMS.
Unmanaged content item - any course content not from a library