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This expansion will enable Libraries to support the full range of use cases identified in initial product discovery phases. Most importantly, it will enable course authors to create units, subsections and sections - in other words, full learning sequences - independently of the course outline, and reuse these learning sequences freely.

Functional Requirements

Similar to the Libraries MVP, this phase of work includes user stories that bridge workflows in both Libraries and in courses, more specifically the Course Outline page.

Functional requirements: Library Side

Users can create new units, subsections and sections in a Library

Users can add and remove units, subsections and sections from Collections

User can add and remove tags to units, subsections and sections

Search, filter and sort applies to units, subsections and sections


Units function as independent, bounded entities in Libraries

  • Libraries support units (defined as a pre-determined sequence of components) as independent, bounded entities. In other words, the sequence of components – the unit – is treated as a singular object.

  • Units are considered a “content type” in the filter

Units exhibit many of the same behavior patterns in Libraries as do Components:

Creating and Editing Units

  • Units can be created from scratch in the +New workflow, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed to create the unit

  • Units can be edited, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed

  • There are 3 pathways for adding components to a unit from within the unit editor

    • New components can be created

    • Existing components can be added

    • Components copied in the clipboard

Presentation of Units in the Library UI

  • Each unit in a Library has a tile representation with a title and description

  • Units populate among the components and collections on the library home

  • Units turn up in search results and can be sorted and filtered

  • There is a Unit Tab, which is a filter on unit as a content type

  • Each unit has a sidebar, with

    • Previews that display which components are contained within the unit

    • Publish status

    • Tags

    • Usage details

    • Version history

Unit behaviors

  • Units can be published

    • The same publishing rules apply to units as components; units are available for reuse in courses once they are published (see: )

  • Units can be tagged

  • Units can be copied

  • Units can be pasted

  • Units can be added to, and removed from, collections

    • Collections can contain a mix of both components and units

Expected Component behavior vis-a-vis units

  • A component can exist as both a standalone component and as part of a unit

Functional requirements: Course Side

Users can search Libraries for units, subsections and sections from within the course outline


Users can track key metadata on Library content, including which courses it’s used in

UX/UI Needs


  • Libraries must support a creation workflow for creating new units, subsections and sections

  • Libraries must support an editing workflow/editor environment for units, subsections and sections

  • In-context sidebars must be expanded such that each unit, subsection and section has a sidebar.

    • Needs discovery: Are previews necessary? Even possible?

  • Library Home must contain one tab each for units, subsections and sections, where users see a filtered view by content type

  • All of the searching, sorts and filters that apply to components must be extended to units, subsections and sections.


  • Course outline page must be redesigned to include the ability for authors to access a library from within a course, search for content, choose a unit, subsection or section, and pull it into a course

    • Needs discovery: How will authors choose where in the course outline to place the library content? What would it take to make the “reuse content” workflow a persistent option from the course outline page?

  • Library sync page must be updated to include any content syncs from re-used units, subsections and sections

  • Content blocks from Libraries must contain fine-grained editing/modification capabilities, so that authors can add content to a re-used section while retaining the sync on the original content

Out of scope

  • Unit page additions. For now, authors will not be able to add library content to the horizontal course nav bar from the Unit page. Instead, all library content at the unit level and above will be added from the Course Outline page.

Implementation Contingencies

Open Questions

I’m not too familiar with the plans of this feature. If my questions are off-topic or already answered, feel free to remove them.
