Units can be created from scratch in the +New workflow. When a new Unit is created, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed to create the unitUnit.
Units can be edited, meaning components can be added, rearranged or removed
There are 3 pathways for adding components to a unit from within the unit editor
New components can be created
Existing components can be added
Components copied in the clipboard
Expected behavior of Components in relation to Units
We assume valuable reusable potential for all components in a Library, whether they exist as standalone entities or as part of units. Thus, all components in a Library can/could exist as both a standalone component and / or as part of a unit
When a component is created within the context of a unit, it does not automatically populate in the Library as a standalone component, but authors are prompted at the time of creation or edit whether they want the component to be added to the Component Tab.
If a Component is added to the Component tab, it remains synced to the unit(s) where it is referenced
Components can be copied from a unit and pasted into the Library as a standalone component, or into a collection.
If a Component is pasted elsewhere in the Library, it remains synced to the unit(s) where it is referenced
When authors edit a component that is referenced in a unit, they are prompted to choose whether they are editing within that usage or as a new block.
If they choose as a new block, the reference is broken.
If they choose to edit within that usage, all changes are synced across all references and standalone instances of that component within the library.
Presentation of Units in the Library UI
Units can be published. Once published, units are available for reuse.
The same publishing rules apply to units as components; units are available for reuse in courses once they are published (see: https://github.com/openedx/frontend-app-authoring/issues/1353 )
Units can be tagged
Units can be copied
Units can be pasted
Units can be added to, and removed from, collections
Collections can contain a mix of both components and units
- A component can exist as both a standalone component and as part of a unit
View-only and Edit modes/Managed vs externally managed vs unmanaged [we need to clarify what the expected behaviors, permissions etc are for each of these?]