Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


The accompanying changes to cs_comments_service are already merged to master:

Deployment Notes

  • The edx-platform code



This The migration script requires mongo client version 2.2 or later in order to work correctly.  Its syntax is not compatible with older versions.


When After these two dependencies are met, the edx-platform code can be updated.

User-Facing Changes

  1. Revised UX
    1. The New Post form has been redesigned, and its positioning has changed (it now works as an overlay onto the thread viewing area, instead of sliding open and shifting other content downward).
    2. The New Post form has a toggle for selecting the type of thread to create (Discussion or Question).
    3. In the Discussion Tab sidebar, icons have been added to the left of each list item indicating the type of post: Discussion, Question (unanswered), Question (answered).
    4. At the top of the Discussion Tab sidebar, a dropdown control has been added to filter items by type: unread (by current user), unanswered questions, threads flagged as abuse (the latter is only available to users with the TA, Staff, or Admin role).
    5. In both tab and inline contexts, controls and labels for interacting with individual posts have been changed.
      1. threads:
        1. controls: vote, follow, report, pin, edit, delete, close
        2. labels: pinned, reported, closed
      2. responses:
        1. controls: vote, endorse (discussion threads only), mark as answer (question threads only), report, edit, delete
        2. labels: reported
        1. controls: report, edit, delete
        2. labels: reported
  2. Server Interactions
    1. AJAX interactions on certain post-level operations have been subtly modified.
      1. affected: all controls related to voting, pinning, following, reporting (flagging), or closing.
      2. previously, the user interface would immediately update upon taking any of the above actions, but if the background server call encountered an error, the user would receive an alert message saying that the action did not succeed and must be retried.  At this point the UI would in most cases be in an inconsistent state with server-side data, until refreshing the page from the server.  (e.g. if the "follow" action failed, the followed icon would still show a "followed" state until the next page reload.)
      3. now, in the case of any of the above actions, the user interaction is generally the same, but the UI will revert to the prior state in case of failure (e.g. if the "follow" action failed, the icon indicating its state would revert to the "not followed" state). In addition, error messages have been implemented that are specific to each respective action, replacing generic messages which were previously used in some cases.
  3. Question Type
    1. When creating threads, users must now select between Discussion and Question types.  Discussion threads behave the same as all existing threads / data, while Question threads have a few differences:
      1. Responses to question threads may be marked as answers, either by TAs / Mods / Admins or by the author of the question thread.  Responses to Discussion threads may be endorsed, but only by TAs / Mods / Admins.
      2. the verbiage "mark as answer" only appears with question threads, and "endorse" only appears with discussion threads.
      3. When viewing question threads, those responses marked as answers appear in a separate area, below the original thread and above other responses.  Comments on responses marked as question answers are automatically collapsed (but may be expanded).  Discussion threads follow the same display behavior as before.  Responses to question threads not marked as answers behave the same as before.
      4. Responses marked as question answers will display name of the person who marked the answer, and the date/time it happened.

Non-User-Facing Changes

  1. Inline and Tab views of threads now use the same templates and javascript code (whereas before distinct code, styles, and templates were used for each)
  2. A good deal of unused frontend code, templates, and styles have been removed.

Data Model Changes

  1. CommentThread documents now have a required thread_type field which may either contain "discussion" or "question".  During initial backpopulation, all threads will be set to have type "discussion".
  2. Comment documents now have an optional endorsement field, which will be null by default, and will contain the id of the endorser and date-time of the endorsement if the Comment has been endorsed.  Note that "endorsement" refers to marking responses as answers in question threads.

Load Testing

The new version of the comments service has been load-tested for comparison against the previous baseline.  Results here

In general, we've observed a timing increase in certain write operations, and a timing decrease in read operations.  We're curious why these measures changed, but they haven't changed enough to warrant concerns about release.  In the large, these deltas balance out, and average / median timings and error rates are practically unchanged.

Areas For Manual Testing

TODO: incomplete