V1 Libraries will be removed as soon as TeakUlmo. This living document explains how we currently plan to migrate convert existing V1 Library content and references over to V2. We will update it with higher-fidelity mocks/screenshots over time and eventually transfer this information into the official release notes.
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Teak->Ulmo Migration Path
New in Teak (preliminary UI / exact interface TBD): A system with two legacy libraries, one which has been converted to MyCollection within MyV2Library.The Legacy Libraries tab will show a list of V1 Libraries that are in the system. V1 Libraries that were already converted to the V2 environment will continue to be indicated as they were in Teak. V1 Libraries that are not yet converted will feature a prominent call-to-action, allowing library authors to select a destination V2 Library or V2 Library Collection.
In order to eventually remove MongoDB as a dependency of Open edX, there will be a future release where the Legacy Libraries (or Legacy Collections)tab is removed and V1 Libraries Content becomes completely unavailable. Operators who wish to preserve their V1 Library contents will need to perform the migration described above before upgrading to such a future release.