Versions Compared


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Lessons Learned from Moodle

  • Having an in-course and an out-of-course profile view makes it much easier to figure out what data is relevant.

  • Heavy customisation for administrators the way Moodle allows is vital for tailoring profile pages to the institution’s use case. There is no one-stop solution here, every organisation is going to have their own bespoke needs, and any user profiles we offer are going to need to prioritise flexibility above all else.

    • That being said, the actual process of enabling and disabling profile blocks is actually insane. There is no reason it needs to be this in-depth when it comes to simply enabling or disabling certain fields and blocks on profiles for different user access roles. This is somewhere we can win.

  • There’s actually a lot of useful reporting functionality accessible from Moodle profiles, not just from the staff perspective (though being able to review a learner’s grading, discussion contributions etc. from their profile is great), but also from a learner perspective. They can access reporting on all their own contributions, and that can be used really effectively to help learners oversee their own learning.

Learner Profile Data

Moodle learners can enter the following information into their profiles on the Moodle Sandbox site:


Permission can be given to users to modify the blocks available on their own user profile pages, and any user profile data can be included in user profile pages as configured by site administrators. So the appearance, layout, contents, and fields available on Moodle profile pages are fully customisable.

Course Profile

The course profile is similar to the full profile, with the following changes:

  • All report links are contextualised to the currently selected course, for example instead of providing an overall grade report, it provides a link to the grade report for the current course, and the link to all forum posts shows all forum posts in the current course, rather than all posts across the entire site.

  • The Login Activity box instead displays the last time the user was active in the course, rather than their overall login activity.

  • The Course Details box is contextualised to the current course, and displays the user’s role for the current course.
