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Project Leads: Jenna Makowski Brad Brown Braden MacDonald Ali Hugo Dave Ormsbee (Axim) Bryan Kersten (Deactivated)

Project Status: In Community Review


By building platform capacity to align content with taxonomies, or to “add tags to content”, we can deliver many benefits to all Open edX user personas. Some examples include:

Value for authors and instructional designers


  1. Authors can see tags displayed in content blocks in Libraries and in each level of the course hierarchy in Studio. 

    1. When content is reused from Libraries in a course, authors will be able to add additional tags to the content, but will not be able to change any tags that were associated with the content in the Library.

  2. Authors can add free-form tags to any piece of content or any part of the course outline.

    1. UI where author just sees a field to add as many tags as desired, with predictive suggestions.

  3. Authors can add free-form tags on admin-defined fields to any piece of content or any part of the course outline.

    1. UI where author is presented with the field and can enter a single free-form tag.

  4. Authors can choose from a tag from an admin-defined closed taxonomy to any piece of content or any part of the course outline.

    1. UI where author is presented with the field and a drop-down (or other UI selection element) to select the value.

  5. Permissions for adding or editing tags follow the same logic and permissions structure as editing content. 
