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The Product and Engineering Teams from eduNEXT and Axim Collaborative are thrilled to introduce Aspects Reports for course delivery teams and site operators! Aspects Reports will be made available alongside the Redwood release via a tutor pluginOperators can learn more about enabling Aspects on their installations by reviewing the Operator Release Notes.

What are Aspects Reports?

Aspects Reports provide access to near real-time course and instance data through dashboards with interactive tables and interactive charts.

With Aspects, course delivery teams have ready access to vital learner enrollment, engagement, and performance data for each of their courses as well as insight into course content performance all within the LMS.


How can I find Aspects Reports?

Accessing course-level dashboards from the LMS

Once Aspects has been installed, users can easily access Aspects Reports for a course directly from the Open edX LMS by clicking on a new Reports link on the Instructor Dashboard. There’s no need to navigate elsewhere to gain valuable insight into exactly what’s going on in a course.


On the Reports tab in the LMS, users can navigate between three new dashboards: a course dashboard, at-risk learners dashboard, and individual learner dashboard. These dashboards were designed specifically for course authors and course teams looking to access quick and easy-to-glean engagement, enrollment, and performance data from their courses.


Accessing all Aspects has to offer from Superset

Course delivery team members who plan to view information for one course and then another may chose to navigate to Superset, a third-party data visualization tool used to create and display Aspects dashboards and charts. This will allow these users to easily view the three out-of-the-box course-level dashboards for one of their courses and followed by another and another.

Site operators and superusers can view data about any course on their Open edX instance or their whole Open edX instance in Superset. Users can access Superset directly via a link from the Aspects Reports in the LMS using single sign-on authorization via their LMS account credentials.


Using single sign-on allows users to access Superset directly using their LMS account without having to create and log-in with a separate Superset account.


Once in Superset, site operators can view a course dashboard, at-risk learner dashboard, individual dashboard for any course on their instance as well as an operator dashboard that displays information about their entire Open edX instance.


Site operators can even use Aspects to create and share custom dashboards and charts in Superset beyond what is provided out of the box with the plugin.

Course-level dashboard highlights

Course Dashboard

The Course Dashboard displays enrollment, engagement, and performance information for all learners in a course. 

Because this dashboard displays unit page, video, and problem engagement information for a course, the charts and tables in this dashboard give users a glimpse into how their course content is performing. 

For example, when unit page engagement is plotted sequentially across the whole course, course delivery teams may be able to better identify key points in the course where learner engagement drops off.


When cross-filtered by a single course video, the Watched Video Segment graphs can help course authors and teams pinpoint potentially unclear video timestamp ranges.


With a benchmark percent correct figure in mind, users can identify problems that may be too easy or too difficult by sorting the Problem Results table by percentage of attempts correct or incorrect.


Individual and At-Risk Learner Dashboards

In addition to course-wide data, Aspects Reports surface course activity data for individual learners and learners that may be at-risk of not completing the course based on a set of predefined risk factors. The at-risk learner group is made up of learners that have enrolled in the course, done something in the course other than visit the course outline page, have not yet passed the course, and have not visited the course in seven or more days. 

When installing the plugin, site operators are able to can choose whether or not to show limited personally identifiable information (PII) to course delivery teams. On Open edX instances that choose to show limited PII to course delivery teams, these users will have access to staff and admin users can see and download the names, usernames, and email addresses of individual learners and those appearing in the at-risk learner dashboard learners making targeted communication and learner intervention possible.

Site operators can view data about their whole Open edX instance in Superset, the data visualization tool used to create and display the existing Aspects dashboards and charts. Superset can be accessed directly via a link from the Aspects Reports in the LMS. Once in Superset, site operators can view a course dashboard, at-risk learner dashboard, individual dashboard for any course on their instance as well as an operator dashboard that displays information about the whole instance. Site operators can even use Aspects to create custom dashboards and charts in Superset beyond what is provided out of the box with the plugin. 

Access Aspects Reports directly from the LMS

Course delivery teams and site operators can easily access Aspects Reports directly from the Open edX LMS via a new Reports link on the Instructor Dashboard, so that there’s no need to navigate elsewhere to gain valuable insight into exactly what’s going on in a given course.


On the Reports tab in the LMS, users can navigate between three new dashboards designed specifically for course authors and course teams looking to access quick and easy to glean engagement, enrollment, and performance data from one course at a time. 


Key dashboard functionality

Hover to view more detail

Users can hover over any element in a table or chart in an Aspects dashboard to view detailed information.


Add filters to a dashboard

Users can add filters to an Aspects dashboard using the filters panel on the side of each dashboard. Hover over the filter icon on the upper corner of a table or chart to view what filters were applied to create the data visualization on any dashboard.


Dive deeper into the data with interactive charts that can be cross-filtered

All Aspects Dashboards allow users to dig deeper into their data through cross-filters. With cross-filters, a user can apply the same filter to multiple charts and tables in a dashboard at once. For example, if a user adds a cross-filter for a single video on the Video Engagement tab of the Course Dashboard, all applicable video tables and charts will update to show data only for that video.


Download tables and images from Aspects dashboards

Users can easily download the data used to create any chart or table in an Aspects dashboard in tabular format as a CSV or Excel file or download the table or chart as an image for use in their own documents, presentations, or reports.  
