Product Discovery
- Notifications /wiki/spaces/EDUCATOR/pages/71893184
- Overall project page with goals and definitions
- Learner Notifications
- Initial Product thoughts
- See Resources section for further links
- Anti-pattern
- Users stop checking when over-notified
- "distinguish between well-designed notifications and those that are designed to create a coerced, unbreakable loop of app usage."
- carry enough “value-for-interruption,”
- They can be powerful tools for marketers to communicate directly with users and deliver the right message at the right time and place in order to promote engagement.
- importance
- relevance and timeliness - timezones
- customization
- distinguish between user-to-user notif. and product-to-user notif.
Smart timing, Smart location, Smart grouping, Smart targeting, Smart feedback
The path to smart notifications
"It’s obvious, notifications can’t stay the way they are for much longer. They are disengaging. They are intrusive. Nobody loves them. At the same time, all the data required for the creation of smarter notifications already exists. There are products trying to use that data properly and which suggest a path for how notifications can start to provide value and be truly helpful."
- Emojis and stickers - a necessary evolution in messaging
- Delaying notifications to mobile and email in-case of in-browser activity